Chapter 101

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August's P.O.V

Afta dat day Kay has been real happy, a lil too happy but I ain't complainin.....I luv it we was gettin ready to head out to our interview nd I got out da shower

Kayla: baby

Me: huh

Kayla: look

She handed me a tube thing me I looked, it was a pregnancy test.....I get excited a lil looking at deez, nd yes I know maybe I shouldn't but I am, one mistake and I forgave her and I want to forget, I looked nd it was a plus sign.... I smiled nd looked at her

Kayla: yes...yess August please don't ask a question like is this baby yours

I put the test down climbing on top of her

Me: why would I ask sum like dat

Kayla: I don't know

She kissed me and I did back

Me: ight , let's finish getting ready

She started pulling on the towel around my waist giggling

Me:*laugh* Kay leh go

She bit my neck nd let me up, nd I got ready, today it was me nd kay nd later this week it's all of us, we finished getting ready and left out, I realized da whole time Kay had her eyes looking out da window, while the driver drove I slid my hand on her thigh

Me: it's gone be ight

Kayla;* holds my hand* promise me

Me: I promise

She put her head on my shoulder, we got out and went upstairs, Angie was happy to see us and greeted us with huggs

Angie: I am so happy to see both of you

Kay sat next to me and we put our head phones on

Angie: I am here with August Alsina and mrs.beautiful Kay alsina


Angie: so how's everything with the both of you, I've seen allot, heard, every thing

Me:well *smirk* whats up what chu hea

Angie: allot... But before we get to that tell me what's been going on

Me: nothin really...., we've Juss been movin around place to place concert at concert

Angie: are you two makin it to the new york concert

Kayla: yes, we are

Angie: is it just you two or will you two bring the kids

Me: I'm not too sure wif dat

Angie: I remember seeing a video of a.j going on stage with Chris and Kayla and he was dancing, and he was really good and the pictures he took on the red carpet I was so shocked like oh my gosh he grew up so fast

Me: he did .......

Angie: what about kalani...I remember the last time she came over here and ate all my candy

Kay looked at me and raised her eye brow

Me: Shes good actually dea was a incident where dey said some dumb shit like her and Justin were datin

Angie: is it true

Me: no....I'll Neva *shakes my head*

Kayla: she already has a little friend but what August was trying to say was that kalani does hang out with people older than her but their all friends and Justin is way older for something like that to happen

Angie: I totally agree with you there are a limit of friends especially when it comes to ages nd stuff

Me: yea nd dat was what we wanted to get across

Angie: yea...things are way different when you have children because their an image of you and your an image of them...


Angie: besides that at the awards I was shocked but not really shocked more like surprised like one minute you and drake and then everything goes black and here comes Aug

Me: *looking at kay* I knew she ain't know I was gone be performin so it was a surprise to everyone

Angie: you two are so adorable

Kayla: no not really....aug is the annoying one trust me

Me:*smile* no I'm not

Kayla: yes he is.....*looks at me* he does childish things sometimes that makes you think twice

Angie:*laughing* like what

Kayla: occasionally bother was a few weeks ago when we spent the whole night up because he wanted to do my hair

Angie: *laughing*

Kayla:*shakes her head* weirdo

I looked at Angie and adjusted my mic...I was gonna let her get it all out because she be forgetting we live together

Angie:uh oh look he has that look on his face like pay back

Kayla: I'll be okay.......*pecks the side of my lips* he's not gonna do anything

I raises my eye brow and looked at her

Angie: aww.........who's working on an album

Me: I'm actually done now...were just working on a release date

Angie: is Kayla on it gets no love....*chuckle*

Kay looked at me with a straight face and I pinched  her nose

Me: I'm playin,.....of course she's one it....she's apart of the album cover too

Angie: I can't wait to hear it

Kayla: it your money

Angie:*eyes wide and smile*

Kayla: *smiling* na lemme's really good there's songs on it that I love allot

I looked at her lips while she talked and she realized me starin and I smiled

Angie: well I can't wait for you guys to come back and their will definitely be another day right

Me: of course

Angie: I'm so glad yall came

The interview ended and we stuck around a lil longer and got ready to leave....when it was ova me nd Kay went to eat, it was a good day, but this whole week is gonna be interviews

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