chapter 81

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Kayla' s P.O.V

I was laying with august kissing him, yesterday i snuck out to the clinic and the doctor told me that i am indeed 1 month pregnant, i try not talking to trey and it be working....but what happened in the dance studio buggs me a little, trey told me, that he got mad when i screamed aug's name but that only made him wanna keep going so i could yell his........i shook it off nd try not thinking about it.....and aug, aug still doesnt kniw about the pregnacy

Me:*pulls away*........i wanna dye my hair

August: what color

Me: red

He put his hands in my hair and massages my scalp,i giggled but then it felt good

August: i wouldnt mind seein my babey as a red head, i did befo....

Me: oh yeah


We were laying unded the blanket chillin....

August: dea a photo shoot i want us to go to

Me: for

August: us

Me: we gotta lot to do in go on a show, with a.j and kalani

August: who

Me: wendy

August: she ask to many questions, nd always nd sombody bidness

Me: well, thats everyone.........then the breakfast club

He looked away lookin all guilty...

Me: what happened

August: i sort of agreed to do a lip service session

Me: you already did one

August: i know .......but this time its me and you

Me: August!!!!!!

August: sorry know i didnt like the questions they asked you when you did it, so makes you think imma like the questions they ask both our asses

August:we aint got nun ta hide

Lip servious is stupid to me, we gotta sit there while they ask questions about our sex life, how we like it nd all of that, and august dont mind it, like its not a problem for other women to know what and how he does what he do in bed, they have no filter

August: it shouldnt bother you

Me: what!!!! what chu mean it shouldnt bother me

He slid his hand up his shirt that i was wearing....

August: cuz no mata how sexual or feaky i talk dey wont eva phyically experiencd it

He had a point, but it bothers me when he does do intervuews like that and this time im there

August: besides that lets change da subject, back to dis hair

Me: you gonna come with me

August: dat shit gone take fa eva

Me: please

August: ight

I pecked his lips and we continued talking and stuff

A.j's P.O.V

I was in disguise at target getting all my muchies because i was so fucking high, faith is starting to annoy the shit outta me, she doesnt give me space, nd shes always textin my god damn phone, i walked past this girl nd looked back cuz she was cute, she turned back around and came my way....

???: what time it is

She did not just come back to ask about the time

???: sorry my phone died

Me: na its cool, its 5:17

She stared at me and licked her lips fast

???: thank you

She turned to walk away and i grabbed her hand

Me: aye hold up....whats the

???: no rush

Me: whats ya name

???: nia

Me: mmmmm a.j

Nia:*smile*.......your voice......its like----

She stopped and reached up pulling my shades down and off my face

Nia: its sexy

Me:*smile* thank you

Nia: your atcually cuter in person

Me: whats that suppose to mean

Nia: nothing, when i see you usually in someones magazine with your dad or mom, your cute nd standing infrony of you your just cuter

It suprised me that she was calm nd nit all screaming nd trying to take a picture

Me: i never seen you before but your georgous

Nia: thank you

Me: .....

She seen me look to the back of her that why she started gigling

Nia: arent chu dating someone, not now........i think dats why you shoukd give me your number


Me:*licks my lips nd nod*

I pulled my phone outand let her put her number in

Nia: theres a party on friday, i ill gi e you the adress

Me: you gonna be there right

Nia: of corse

Me: so ill be there


I bent down sliding my hand to her ass and kissing her cheek lightly

Nia: you love to flirt dont chu

Me: trust me if im not flirting im not interested

Nia: mmmh call me

Me: i 6 so have your phone charged

Nia: its almost six

Me: exaxtly

She smiled and walked away with her ass moving side to side, damn!!!......i know i fucked up lyin, sayin im single, but nia aint gotta know nd niether does faith..

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