Chapter 44

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Kalani's P.O.V

I was gonna spend the night at zire's House, he cleaned his room up for me too , my mom knows that im spending the night at a friends house she just doesn't know its a boy.....Zire came out in his pajama pants and no shirt......i smiled looking away and getting in the bed, i only had on boy shorts and a tank top....he laid next to me and turned around facing me.....

Me: i think...........maybe its time to just tell a.j and my we dont have to sneak anymore

Zire: i agree

Me: really


His eyes were getting low,like he was falling asleep i didn't want him to go to sleep

Me: *plays in his hair* noo don't go to sleep

Zire: im not sleeping in thinking

Me:*softly* about what

Zire: nothing

Me: cmon tell me

Zire:*shakes his head*

Me: please

Zire: it has something to do with you

Me: what

Zire: lani just forget it

Me: but now im curious

Zire: dont be

He said reaching down pulling me closer to him by my butt and kissing my forehead

Me: i wanna know

Zire: just go to sleep

Me:*aggravated* but I'm not tired zire

I said sitting up

Zire: you can have your temper not gonna tell you

Me:*sucks my teeth*

He pulled me back down kissing me and i pushed him off turning to my back that was facing him

Zire: stop acting like that i don't like when your mad at me

I closed my eyes and hoping to sleep, but he just held me close to him and he rubbed his face on mine, then i felt something hard like a spray bottle or something poke my butt....

Me: stop poking my butt thats weird

Zire: both of my hands are in front holding your stomach

Me: then what's that

He pulled me a little far from him

Zire: nothing........

He hurried up and left the room for a while, and came back laying down and pulled me to him again and what ever was poking me wasn't anymore

Zire: i just want chu to know that i love you no matter what okay

Me:*scrunched eyebrows* love you too ......where is this coming from

Zire: im just saying no matter what chu are im still gonna be here

I lifted up quickly looking down at him as the moonlight cane down on his bed so i saw him

Me: what are you talking about!!!

Zire: *shaking his head*

I slid back down and closed my eyes ......what is he trying to say

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