Chapter 102

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Kalani's P.O.V

I was in the game room and I heard my dad walk up the stairs, their back...I threw the remote somewhere and started panicking

Mom: she's in her room

Dad: I'll talk to her Lata

A door closed and I cut the ps4 off and opened the door walking out slowly and I bumped into a.j

A.j: ouuuu I'm tellin

Me: no please don't

A.j : den do me a favor

Me: do ya own favor

A.j: ight..... DAD

me: I hate chu so much

A.j: do my laundry me clean my room while I go out

Me: no

A.j:*walks towards their room*

Me: fine a.j

He stopped and smiled I can't stand him

A.j: Lata......nd get my clothes under my bed

I rolled my eyes and went in my room, I looked around and I need a new paint job my pink walls have white patches .....I pulled out my song book and my dad came  in so I threw it under the bed

Dad: what chu doin lil girl

Me: nun

Dad: *sits on my bed* we need ta head to Home Depot go sum paint den you come wif me to da studio

Me: no ...I wanna go get a new phone and TV and curling iron do you see my hair everything is gone.,.dad you took all my stuff ...all..I'm lucky to have clothes , hangers , and my bed

Dad: you learn ya lesson......

Me: yea....I'm sorry for being disrespectful and rude...

Dad: do you get my point doe lani......dey way ol(GCO)

Me: older....and you don't want anything happening to me because you don't wanna have to kill someone dad I already know


he hugged me and I hugged him back

Me: can I have me stuff now

Dad: oh dats long gone

Me: dad!!

Dad: cmon get ready

My mom put a high ponytail in my hair after I took a shower and got dressed, we left and we went to the studio, and we was there for so long, but he gave me his phone so I can stay occupied

Chris's P.O.V

I was dropping kalani's stuff off...Aug left it at my house tellin me it was a lesson den he sent me text today asking to bring back to the house, I rung da bell nd the door was open so I took the bags upstairs and put it in lanis  room and headed to kays room

Me: kayyyy

Kayla: I'm getting out the shower hold up

I watched tv and the door open and she came out with the towel around her body

Kayla: what's up

Me: nun I was droppin lanis bag off

Kayla: oh alright

She was putting lotion on and turned my head

Kayla: how's the baby

I looked at her surprised because Kay never ask me about royalty......, at first I never paid it any mind but then I started thinking and now she's thinking about her

Me: she's good...she's with her mother now

Kayla: that's good.....

Me: we haven't chilled out In for ever Kay

Kayla:........... So ......what chu wanna do

Me: I ont  know


Me: seriously

Kayla: can you get my back August usually does but he's not here

I took the lotion and squirted it on my hands looking at her back.,.

Me: * chuckle* you gotta move your towel.....

She lowered her towel down to her lower back and I put my hand at the top and she brought her towel back up

Kayla: I just forgot Chris noo

She wrapped the towel back up and I looked at her

Kayla: it wouldn't be right .....

Chris; I was thinking it, but I wasn't gonna pass up the chance

Kayla: we could go out I guess .....on Saturday

Me: yeah?

I left and got in my car.......I need to fall in love wif someone else's obvious my crush since high school will Neva be mines

August's P.O.V

Kalani: it sounds good

Me: hungry

Kalani: *nod*

Me:what chu wanna eat

Kalani: can you drive to chipotle

Me: you gone stay hea


Me: ight bowl

Kalani: no ....wait yeah....with extra cheese and chicken

Me: got cha

I left her wif my phone nd went to chipotle...when I was online I bumped into dat girl from da how many times video shoot

???:oh hey August

Me: hey..........

????: Amy

Me: yeah

Amy: how's Kayla doin

Me: she fine

I looked at her me she dyed ha hair red too just like Kay same red

Amy: well see you

I nodded nd she walked away......I got lani food nd went back but she wasn't dea be my phone was on da table

Me: lani

I looked around me couldn't find her

Me: KALANI!!!!

I knocked on the bathroom door nd dea was no answer

Me:*runs out*

I checked the hallways and went in the 5th floor, I checked ever booth bs opened one door


What is lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveee  if your not here with me ....what is lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeee

Me: holy shit

My babey girl was singin ha heart out....Da vain on da side of her neck popped out her skin and she held her stomach.....her voice was beautiful .....I mean real beautiful.....she looked at me and her eyes got wide and she slid da head phones off her ears and looked embarrassed

Kalani; dad I'm so sorry I was just waiting for you and I got bored so I roamed R(GCO)

Me: who's song is dat

{empires actually but again 🌈 imagination}

Kalani: mine

Me: where you come up wif dis

Kalani: ......I'm hungry

Me: you wanna record it

She looked at me and twiddled with her fingers and nodded her head......she's talented, when Kay first told me I thought nun of it but listening to her make me very proud....we got right to business....and recorded

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