Chapter 31

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Kalani's P.O.V

2 months .......i put on black skinny jeans and my blank 13s and a black shirt with my black sweater that has white strings and I put my hair in a bun and I threw in my black shade ray bans.....then I grabbed my phone and opened my window and landing on my stomach

Me: owww shit

I wispered.....then I got up and started speed walking all the way to Taylor's house, someone stopped me and if was one of a.js friend......he was cute too

???: lani right?


???: Zire

Me:*smile* like fire

Zire:*smile* yea

Me: do you know where my brother's been two months since I've seen him

Zire: I was about to ask you the same question

Me: I was gonna go to Taylor's house and see

Zire: I came from there and she said she don't know

Me:*looks down*

Zire: cmon we'll look for him ourselves

I put my hands in my pocket as we walked down the street

Me: how long you been his friend

Zire: since y'all started Oakland

Me: oh

He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets as we kept walking

August's P.O.V

I came back from the studio and now I'm home, I went in the room wif Kay and just hugged her, I hugged ha cuz We ain't hug in months or even kissed each other

Kayla: I can't breathe

I let her go and looked at her

Kayla: what's wrong with you

Me: I just needed a hug

Kayla: mm

She said as she walked away to her side of the bed

Me: i gotta concert tomorrow

Kayla: hey...if you gotta break make sure you mention a.j

Me: Kay for the 100th time I am sorry

Kayla: and for the 101th time if your sorry go find him

Honestly Kay don't know that I've looked all over the place for a.j I've even searched the whole Compton and I seriously can't find him....but I don't wanna worry her Any more than she is, I laid down and slid the remote out of her hand and kissed her neck

Kayla:*softly* August stop

I shifted her body closer to mine and kissed her lips

Kayla: I just don't want nothing to happen to him

I looked and a tear glided down her cheek

Me:*wipes her tear away*

I kissed her softly again and we went into a passionate one......

Me: he's gonna be okay

I said inbetween our kiss, I slid her pajam pants off and pulled her shirt off and she let me, wrapping her arms around my neck, her phone rung and we ignored it , den my phone started ringing, I paused for a second cuz dis was da first time all the phones in the house was ringing

Kayla: what the hell

The phones kept ringing and Kay rolled over on the remote and the t.v turned on and the first channel was the news, and my heart dropped to the middle of my stomach

News reporter: 17 year old August Melvin Alsina son of August Alsina and Kay Marie alsina was found shot right here on this and was rushed to the hospital

A knot formed in my throat and Kay was staring at the t.v with her mouth wide open


She was screaming so loud I woulda thought done was killing her.....we both jumped out the bed and threw clothes on

Kayla:*scream* Hurryyy!!! *crying* August please hurry up!!!

She grabbed her jacket and her sneakers running out the room with the phones still ringing , I wiped my year running out

Kayla: *crying*...........where's lani!!!!

She said getting in the heart kept beating fast......I didn't give the car any time to warm up, driving over the speed limit we rushed to the hospital

Kayla:*putting on her sneakers* no!!!! No!!! No!!!

While rushing the hospital a flashback ran through my mind......of the time I rushed to the hospital when I got that call for Melvin

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