Chapter 112

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August's P.O.V

We was eatin caramel corn and Chris called me


Chris: my nigga where are you

Me: I'm eatin Pop corn.....why

Chris: Kay's water just broke they got her in the room now

Me: *stops walking* what

Chris: her water just broke.....your wife is giving birth and you eatin pop corn calmly chillin like you ain't suppose to be here

Me: cmon...............ight I'm on my way

Me nd Amy hurried up and got in the car ........hurrying up to the hospital

Amy: I hope you didn't miss anything

Me: me neither.......She's gonna kill me if I did

We pulled up to the hospital and I got out eating my Pop corn and going in

Chris: yoooo you really fuc(GCO)

Me: shutttt uppppp

I went in and Kay was in labor, panting and sweating and crying

Me: hey .........want some

She looked at me and grabbed my popcorn throwing it on the other side of the room

Me: I really ...........I wanted dat

Kayla: don't talk to me everrrr again okay ....okay

Me: what did I do

Kayla: August what didn't chu left your 9 month old wife in the house BY herself........what if I didn't go to Chris's house....then I would of had to do this all on my own.....just so you can go eat pop corn.........*tearing*

Now that she says it it sounds terrible.....I wasn't meaning to leave her by herself.....Amy just be wanting me to go outside with her...and now I see I should've been watching makin sure Kayla was okay

Kayla: any thing could of happened aug to me or to you and every time you went out you never called me

Me: I'm sorry

Kayla: I don't wanna hear it August.....please just be here for the birth of your babies...

She was in alotta pain but she was doing okay........I pulled up a seat and sat next to her bed , I grabbed her hand softly and kissed her hand....I softly stroked my thumb against her hand and leaned on the was quiet except the beeping from the monitor....she reached over and played in my hair...I looked at her and she still looked alittle hurt

Me: i(GCO)

Kayla: don't say nun to me ............

I let her play in my hair and she made a sound that sounded like she was hurt ...the doctors came in and it was time.....

Kayla:*looks my way* .....

Me: I got chu pop corn too

She squeezed the shit outta my hand and I thought it was because of what I said but no....the babies being born

Doctor: push

Me: owww

You woulda thought it was me givin birth my hand hurted so bad


Me: babey do you wanna like.........loosen up your grrrrriiipppp

She squeezed harder and I heard one of my bones crack

Kayla's P.O.V

The worst pain ever ........I was in pain and so was August

Doctor: we see something

I sat up a little and tried harder until I heard crying.....I started crying to.....because there's  another one

Doctor: a boy


August was already geared up and he cut the umbilical cord I cried some more and we got ready because the next boy was coming right away

Doctor: almost there

August: *happy*

I pushed thinking of something helpful like names

Doctor:*holds the baby*........ A girl

Me:*falls back*

August:*looks at me then the doctor* uhh can we like pushed her back in and take another boy

Me:*weakly smiles* aug

August:*smile* I'm just playin

They cleaned then and passed me my baby girl and gave August our boy

Me:*lightly pinched her tiny nose* so it was you in there kickin huh

She opened her eyes looking at me.....

August: ohhh wow we look they really look alike

Me:*straight faces him*.....

I looked back down and she was smiling

Me: that's your papa .......and your brother

All I remember after that is saying something to August and falling asleep, tired and relieved that they were born and healthy

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