Chapter 68

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* 2 months later*

Kayla's P.O.V

I was done with breakfast and i went upstairs.....aug is still here but in the world guests room.....the kids are happy because they like the fact that hes here, and hes gaining his strength back and im glad for that....i walked in the gym and my mouth dropped open a little august stood up from weight lifting an he was sweating he's still skinny but he's getting in shape, i looked down at his and and just stared not meaning to.....

August:*clears his throat*

I got our my gaze and looked at him, and he was wiping sweat off his face

Me:*points back at the door* breakfast is ready

August: ight ill be down

I stared some more and just left.....this whole time august has been here, we talk sometimes but we dont flirt, im just making sure he gets back on track, i got downstairs and put my hands on the counter and let out a sigh...a few minutes after i made plates i called the kids down and they sat at the table

A.j: are you and dad together now

Me:*shakes my head*

Kalani: why not

Me: lani thats between the two of us

August came down and poured orange juice and sat at the table with the kids

August: hows school fa yall

A.j&lani: good

He was talking to them and i watched his arm jerk every once in a while...the door rung and i got uo and walked over to it opening the door and trey was there

Trey: wass up gorgeous

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in a hug and kissed and trey see each other outside of the house because of august so him being here is a little awkward , he came in and august stopped chewing and looked at him

Trey: *looks away*

Me: whats up

Trey: i just came to chill with you, ya know

I heared the kids chuckle and i looked and they were laughing but august was looking down eating his food with his eye brow raised

Me: whats so funny

Kalani:* laughing* it's something dad said

Trey pulled me by my waist and i looked up in his eyes

Me: i don't think nows the time trey

Trey: na imma stay......

He went in the kitchen looked around

Trey: what chu cook

We heard the chair slid in the dining room and August came out with his food and orange juice in his hand

August: she only cooked for FOUR people five is a crowd when you dealin wif dis family

He went upstairs slowly while the kids busted out laughing again

Trey: its ight......when aug is around you gotta expect shade bein thrown

I rubbed his arm and got on my tippy toes kissing the side of his face, then i went in the living room eating my food....this is gonna be a little tough

August's P.O.V

Afta I finished eatin i went down stairs and deez two was on da couch kissin, nd didnt hear me.....i was bout ta be so petty, is time to step back in teen days....i slowly put the plates in da sink and grabbed corn oil throwin it all ova da flo....after i put it down i looked at da bottle of henessy and sighed.....den I shrugged nd put some in a cup and drink some....i wont go crazy, i stood dea nd watched them, den trey started pullin ha shirt off nd my eye brow went up aint dis some shit, kay always told me nooo sex when the kids is home nd dis nigga bout ta fuck ha on da couch i paid fo, kay got up and damned there died when she saw me

Kayla:*hurries up and puts her shirt on* aug!!!

Me: dats my name!!..........aug.....august Anthony Alsina

I said taking a sip and stepping over the oil casually not making anything suspicious

Trey: imma go

He got up and walked it was hilarious to see him bust him ass on his way to the door

Kayla: oh my god

She looked because she aint wanna fall niether so she stepped over it and helped him while i walked up stairs laughing......its not easy watching your soon ta be ex wife sit nd tongue fuck anotha man, it hurts...,.,but i gotta understand dat if i would've just kept my dick to myself and kay den we wouldn't be in dis situation

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