Chapter 119

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Kayla's P.O.V

I got home early and went upstairs and August was sleeping in his clothes

Me: auggggggg

I climbed on the bed and shook him

Me: babe

August: my head hurtsss

Me: I'm sorry but August you know I feel about chu sleeping in clothes you wore and partied in cmon get up

August: Kay please just let it go

He said rubbing his forehead, his voice sounded raspy and scratched

Me: take a warm shower that helps

He looked up and I got up and helped him, then he got in the shower while I sat in the bathroom

Me: soooo how was yesterday

August: fine ....I drunk to much now I gotta hangover

Me: you hungry

August: no

Me: sure

August: mmhmm

He stopped the water and opened the curtain wrapping the towel around his waist

Me:*pouts* you look so tired

August: I a----*gag*

I moved and let him throw up in the toilet while I rubbed his back like he was a baby...I got use to doing that when the twins throw up

August: ugh

He brushed his teeth and threw on pajama pants and got in the bed, and I got him aspirin and orange juice, and after he swallowed and drunk his juice he grabbed the blanket over his head, then he uncovered his head and kissed my lips laying back down under the blanket

August: thank you ....I love you too much to pass on this horrible decease


I hugged him through the blanket and let him sleep while I took a shower, when I got out I looked for my robe and couldn't find it

Me: the fuck my shit at

I always leave it here, and I know I never move it and neither does August I sucked my teeth and grabbed a towel wrapping it around my body and going to put clothes on, then I laid next to August under the blanket and watched him sleep

Me: my poor baby

I said leaving a kiss on his lips and turning around, it was like 12 o'clock in the afternoon but me and August was tired....he moved and grabbed me falling back asleep I smiled putting my hand on his that was wrapped around me


Kalani: that's not fair

Me: oh well

Kalani: mommm

I went to pick up the kids and a.j wasnt there, and I keep asking kalani and she doesn't wanna tell me anything so I took her phone

Kalani:*sucks her teeth*

Me: see another week

She just looked out the window and I pulled up to the house and she got and slammed the car door making the babies wake up and start crying I got out the car fast

Me: Slam another door and see what happens

She got in the house and looked at me and pushed the door but caught it so it don't slam, tryin ta be smart, I shook my head and got the babies going in the house trying to calm them down I put them in there bed and they started stopping so I left and went in the room with August and he was wrapped in the blanket sitting up watching tv with tissue all over the place and in his nose and he looked so pale

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