Chapter 60

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August's P.O.V

I was in da hospital bed nd shay came in i gripped my orange juice and looked at her

Shay: hey baby

Me:............ Where's my money

Shay: what are you talking about

Me:*sits up* you emptied out my accounts

Shay:*looks down*

She looked disappointed nd stuff and sat down

Shay: baby what ever she told you was a lie......i took the money to put towards a house for us so when you come out we could move in together

Me: but why would you take out everything

Shay: i wasn't thinking aug......i took itvout for decoration nd stuff

I looked down cuz i felt bad for accusing her of those things

Shay: i would never do anything like that ......

She leaned in and kissed me, and i kissed her back............i heard foot steps but i aint think nun of it abd then from the corner of my eye I saw kay, i pulled away and looked at her with wide eyes

Kayla: *tries not to cry*................ I got chur breakfast

She tossed the bag on the bed , i was frustrated cuz i couldn't get up nd go after her

Kayla: i paid so much for you to stay alive *tear* and you cant even appreciate it

Me: kayyy

She walked out and i sucked my teeth

Shay: baby dont worry about her

Me: i wanted to fix things with her

Shay: august do you love her


Shay: she deserves better, it seems like i have no problem with you but her heart ....... Baby her heart is always broken, just do her a favor and leave her alone

As much as ill hate to admit it shes right kay does deserve better......i guess the right thing to do is to sign them papers for them and get it over with

???:....... Noooo

I heard a light voice say, i closed my eyes and thought of when i saw alexis dey just gotta understand its for the best

Shay's P.O.V

I cleared out augs accounts thinking that he wouldnt wake up, but he did so i had to back my self up and the first thong to do is blow half of that money on a house and save the rest for me.... I looked at aug and then at the door, i finally got her to go was easier then i thought.......

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