Chapter 36

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August's P.O.V

Monday morning they said they were discharge a.j .....after i left tge hotel i drove over there and a.j was sitting on the bed with a cask on his leg and crutches next to him abd he was dresed nd stuff

Me: what's up

A.j: is it true dad

Me: is what true

a.j:yall gonna get a divorce

Me: honestly man.......i ont know, but I'm not in the house right now, and I'm not gonna be there for a while

A.j:*puts his head down*

Me: im still gone be seein yall

A.j: i know

Kay walked in kind of fast and when she saw i was in here she slowed down

Kayla: i got something for you but now isn't the time........a.j i signed the discharge papers...*shakes a bag* and here's the medication

Me: imma take him fo a while

Kayla: no your not

Me: what chu mean no

Kayla: i mean no!!!........August you don't even know how to tie a tie, how arr you supposed to watch out for him

A.j : cmon ma im not crippled

Kayla: you kind of are a.j cant walk with out your crutches

A.j: can i just please hang with dad...please

Kayla: okay.....*looks at me* bring him by 10 0clock

Me: okay

She got his stuff and she hugged a.j and went the other way, after sge maid sure he was in the car

A.j: where are we off to

Me: da holly wood sign

A.j:*smile* perfect

We drove over there and did exactly what he high den went to eat

Kayla's P.O.V

After i made dinner and kani went to sleep , the door rung and it was a.j and dumbass........a.j walked in and i let him take his time...after that i thiught for a second

Me: oh yeah come

We went to the room and i closed the door because anything thats aboutvto happen i dont need the kids hearing

Me: umm.....i started looking for a lawyer and our first meeting is next wensday

August: you serious bout dis?

Me: yes....i am very serious

August: well imma tell you now........*shakes his head* im not gone be there

Me: why are you making this so difficult

August: cuz i aint makin no type of divorce final......

Me: we'll see august

August: we ain't gone see shit

He looked down in my eyes and i crossed my arms across my chest

Me: im tired of being played.........go play wif dat hoe

August: ill keep dat in mind

Me:*shakes my head* get out

He left abd i took a shower and washed my hair...after i put on a tank top amd pajama pants i let my wet hair down and cut the light off i kept tossing and turning and thats when I realized it was because my fingers were empty.....I've gotten use to that ring on my finger

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