Chapter 46

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Kayla's P.O.V

After i got dressed, the door rung so i got ready and went down there, when i opened the door it was trey

Me: early bird


he wrapped his arm behind my lower back and bent down and kissed me squeezing my ass, i pulled away and smiled letting him in..he stood there looking kinda nervous

Me: just be yourself

Trey: *nod*

Kalani came down stairs and stopped looking at us with wide eyes and wide mouth

Kalani: ...........ooooooohhhhh snap

She walked up to trey and looked at him and smiled nd started laughing

Kalani: trey songz!!!
looked at me

Kalani: i love this guy......well not like that but im a fan this is cool

Trey:*smile* imma fan myself

Kalani: of who

Trey: you ...ya mom told me alot anout chu abd your brother yall seem like some cool kids

Kalani: no im cool........a.j is a loser

A.j: no im not

He said walking down tge stairs taking his time because of his leg....he walked over to trey abd looked at him with his eye brow raised

Trey: wass up

A.j:............................dont hurt my mothers

Me: a.j!!

Trey: na it's cool.....steppin up as a man *smile*

A.j:.................*looks at me*

Kalani: so where are we going

Trey: dinner!!!

She looked at her phone and back at us and smiled.....

A.j: we'll meet chu guys in the car

Me: okay

He walked to the car and i ran upstairs really quick to finish getting dressed and trey was behind me

Trey: i think this is a good start

Me: me to

Trey: i saw aug in the store today

Me: for real

Trey: mmmhmm i played it cool tho

Me: thank you

I said slipping on my shoes........he softly grabbed me by my stomach and kissed my neck from behind

Me:............. Mm stop trey we gotta go

Trey: *stops* ight but i got chu when we alone

I shook my head and finished getting ready

A.j's P.O.V

I stood out side the car and thiught abd taylor crossed my mind....i reached in my pocket and got ready to call her

Taylor: hello

Me: you fa got about me or something

Taylor: not im the mood

Me: why didnt chu call me to talk about it

Taylor: because i dont wanna talk to you, because its like you dont know how to hold you tongue sometimes

Me: i didn't mean to say that to you

Taylor: but chu did

Me: so you not talkin to me anymore

Taylor: for now i dont wanna be bothered ......

Me: *sighs*

Taylor: *softly* we're not even going out........why do you care so much

Me: because i fucking caught feelings for you...... How the the hell do you think i feel when you come to me after i lost my fucking life and tell me you ended one without even letting the baby start it.....taylor you get get mad at me because of some shit your mother made you do...the only thing i take blame for is not wrapping up..... I ont regret shit taylor and im not gonna start it , everything i do or did happened for a reason and ill be damned if someone make me feel bad for it

Taylor:..................... Maybe we should leave each other alone for a while

Me: dats cool, but let this little while be a for ever.....don't fucking call me no more

Taylor: A.J!!!!! im say(GCO)

I hung up mad...and started walking back to the car, when i got in kalani had her phone on her lap looking out the window and trey and my mom was in the this point im happy if my mom is happy and im not gonna tell my dad anything , until trey fucks up...

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