Chapter 38

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August's P.O.V

Its been 2 months and a half since ive been home, after a while i just said fuck it and brought a bachelor pad in beverly hills a little close to home its real nice, and theres no walls, there a little top floor for when a.j nd lani come over, its kinda like i get scarec knowing that kay is serious ... I still mess with shay and shes actually kinda here with me, she just spends more time over here then she does at her own cool, because i skipped out on appointments with kayla so this whole thing can take more time..

Shay: babe i think today i should meet kani and a.j

Me: i ont think so

Shay: why

Me: *looks at her* are you thinkin........i ain't tryin ta scare you but when dey get mad or dey dont like you dey could be some real mean devilish kids

Shay: ill be okay what they gonna do put hair removal in my shampoo

Me: yess!!!

Shay: okay thats a little worrying but im loving every one loves me

Me: *mumble* not errbody

She got off thd bed abd walked towards me and pulled me down and kissed me

Shay: besides........being a step mom could be fun

Me: youll be just that messin wif dem....dey just like kay and will step on you

Shay: babe their 17 and 12

Me: 17 and 14

Shay: oh .....but please

Me:*looking in my eyes*

Shay:*pokes out her bottom lip* please

Me: ight i guess we'll go see a movie

Shay: yay!!


Shay: mean while i have an idea of what can take up the time

Me: nd whats that


The obvious happened nd when it was time to get ready i was really worrin bout what would happen this weekend when i have them

Kayla's P.O.V

Ny phone started ringing and it was august, his bitch ass pisses me off, he skipped out on everything meeting, we havent even met up with the counsel yet because he never comes, i can tell yhis is gonna take forever

Me: hello

August: what chu doin

Me: about to hang up

August: cmon na Im just tryin ta make convo,.........but today im takin them out so tell em yo get ready and be ready my 7

Me: okay

August: and um............yeah.........kay i was thinkin (GCO)

I rolled my eyes and hung up, then i got up and went in a.j's room, he was playing a game, with junk food all around him

Me: a.j!!!

A.j: yea

Me: you need to clean this up

A.j:*still playing the game* okay

Me: look start getting ready, ya dad is taking you and lani this weekend

A.j: start getting ready now

Me: yeah, i dont feel like hearing his mouth

A.j: okay

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