chapter 8

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August's P.O.V

Today i'm off for the tour..............i do feel kinda weird cuz i'm leavin dem fo a few months, but i packed my bag and when i turned kay was leanin on da door frame watching me with her arms crossed across her chest

Me: wass wrong why you look like dat

Kayla:*walking up to me* i dont want chu to leave

Me: welp.............i got to............cuz dis is mo money nd i dont wanna loose my career

Kayla: *looking me in my eyes*

Me: c'mon dont gimme dat look

Kayla:*sighs* fine.................................................buttt...........before you go, i wanna do something

Me:*looking back at her ass* what

Kayla: cmon

She pulled me to da bed and walked over closing the door and walked back over to da bed climbing up top nd straddling my lap

Kayla: you know what better not be in that suitcase

Me: what

Kayla: some fucking condoms

Me: years of marriage nd you still think imma cheat on you

Kayla: ...............dont speak like you never did before and concerts are where all the girls are ready to go to your hotel room or even fuck you where you stand...........but dont get carried away becasue you never know when imma pop up on you

Me: okay

Kayla:*lowers down to my lips* is that clear

Me: mmhmm

Kayla: are you sure

Me: yea

Kayla:*softly pecks my lips* positive

Me:*rubbs her ass* mmmhmmm

she bit down on her bottom lip, and sat up on me, den she lowered down my favorite part....

Kalani's P.O.V

I was gonna meet up with daniel today to tell him that i cant do this, it's been alomst a month and half since a.j has said anything to me, i slipped my sneakers on and my jacket grabbing my phone and when i walked out of my room i walked down the hall and turned and seened my parents room door close and i already knew what they were doing, so i just walked downstairs and walked , i literally walked...............WALKED..........................walkedddd i walked all the way to daniel's house, when i got to the door i got a little scared and knocked then angela opened and smiled

Angela: hey lani

Me: hi

She gave me a hug and told me to come in

Me: is daniel here

Angela: yeah...............he's in his room

Me: okay

I took my time walking there, i was scared of's not that he's abusive or at lease i dont think he is............before i could think i was lightly knocking on his door

Daniel: yeahh

I walked in and he was laying on his back, but when he saw me he jumped up..........i smiled and closed the door walking over to him, he softly pulled me down looking in my eyes

Daniel: what's up

Me: i came to talk to you

Daniel: ight, what happen

Me: ..........................................................i havent talked to a.j in like a month

Daniel:* looking at me* .............................

Me: .........Daniel I cant do this with you anymore

Daniel: whattt........................*softly* what chu mean

Me: this relationship...........................we cant anymore

Daniel:*looks away*

He put his head in his hands looking down, we were very silent for a long time

Daniel:*looks up* we've been through this lani,i dont wanna loose you

Me: your birthday is in a few days..............*looking down* your gonna be 20 years old

Daniel: and i've told you age doesnt matter

Me: im only 14.............we should be with people our age and as of now i dont wanna be with anyone please just think about this

Me: no i told you before that i cant pick you over my brother

Daniel:*slides his hands into mine* babe please

I wasnt looking in his eyes, and i wasnt going to

Daniel: lani baby look at me

Me:*looking away*

Daniel: lani

Me: *softly* i already made up my mind dig

Daniel: c'mon dont call me that because you only call me daniel

Me: can i go now

Daniel:*holding my hand* noooo..............lani dont do this to me


He pulled me closer to him and i pushed away and he pulled me back only to be pushed away then he just started kissing on my neck, while i kept pulling away he had his arms wrapped around me sucking and tugging on the skin of my neck

Me: diggy stop

Daniel: lanii

Me: c'mon let me go

Daniel: nooo, i dont want chu to go..........lani i started falling in love with you and you know that

Me:* looking ahead* you've fell in love with a 14 year old sound like a petifile

Daniel: dont play with me, kalani

I got scared again and regretted what i said because he sounded serious ..........

Daniel: c'mere

I scooted next to him just wishing i could rewind and get out of this probrably doesnt seem that serious, but chu dont know how it feels until you step into their shoes........

Daniel: look at me

Me:*looks his way* what do you want

Daniel:*rubbing my leg* i want chu

Me:*looking down pushing his hand away*

He started kissing me and i didnt kiss back until he grabbed my waist laying me back , i still refused to kiss him back with him hovering over me

Daniel: why arent chu kissing me back

Me: * shaking my head* because i dont want to

Daniel:*kisses my neck* lani...............lani...........LANIIIII

He was basically yelling in my face

Me: get the hell off me

Daniel; watch your mouth

Me:.....................your serious

Daniel: i love you,.....................lani i love you and i dont wanna loose you mean every thing to me, with out you i dont know what i'll do...............there's no point in living without you

Me: *softly* c'mon dont say that

Daniel: i mean it............kalani you really are my everything, you always make me happy.....just please dont leave me lani

I softly rubbed my hand on his jawline, and when he kissed me i kissed him back, and i stayed at his house for a while........and this is what i mean when i say it's hard to break up with him.

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