Chapter 64

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Kayla's P.O.V

I looked and august was in here, i pulled him downstairs, and he looked so bad under them shades im starting to feel bad

Me:*softly* what are you doing here

August: ta say happy birthday to my son

Me: aug your high again?


Me: do you really want a.j to see you like this, because i dont like it

August:*head down*

Me:........*points to the envelope* whats that

August:*shakes his head* forget about it

He went upstairs and i felt so bad.....i went up stairs and august was leaving, and a.j was watching him

A.j: he didn't even say happy birthday

Me: a.j he's looking really bad

He looked down the shook his head

A.j: it's whatever

I looked to the side and saw lani.... I could've sworn I just told this little girl to stay home

Me: KALANI!!!!!

I said over the loud music, she looked at me and her eyes got wide and she ran, I stopped walking and just started getting ready to go, this party seems like its no where near ending

A.j: *stands on stage*

He grabbed his mic and triped catching his self he loosened up the sweater he had on

A.j: hi

He said putting the red cup down.....

A.j: i have an announcement......but first thank you to my mom, and everyone that came..........umm....

I looked around because a.j was sweating and it was cool in here....he's nervous......but of what

A.j's P.O.V

I was scared as shit, nd my mom kept looking at me

Me: i'd like to call my girlfriend up here

Taylors eyes got wide and when faith came on stage she looked away... Ooopppsie, i wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her cheek while they applauded, my mother was shocked, i didnt know if that is good or bad

Me: faith i think, i have fell in love with you, ive had a crush on your you for the bein my girl means everything to me, you completed my life to be happy


She wrapped her arms around my stomach and hugged me........the music cut back on and i got ready to walk off

Me: its time to go back to the partyyyy!!!!!!!

I got down and i felt my mothers hand grab me by the stomach of my sweater and she pulled me outside, when she let go she looked upset and her nose was red, im in trouble

Mom: what the fuck was that back there

Me: mom.........i

Mom: how long has this been

Me: a couple months

Mom: so wait to tell me when everyone else find out

Me: im sorry

Mom: this cant continue

Me: mom i just told her im loving her

Mom:shes 21 years old

Me: thats not allot

Mom:*puts her hands up* do you august, seems like that what everyone is doing these days just do me one favor and don't hurt yourself doing it is what chu want

Me:*looks down* im not my father

Mom: a.j i never said that.......

Me: you called me august

Mom:*confused* because thats your name

I stood there and looked down and tipped over, the liquor is kicking in

Me: *burps* oh

We heard honks and cars pulled up nd some rappers cane out, i was so drunk my emotions werent acting like they were supposed to

Mom: there they go........

Me: *trips*

Half of YMCMB was here nd i saw tyga nd t.i one his daughters is fine but i never talked to her cuz dat nigga crazy, they hugged my mom and gave me dapps

Tyga: happy birthday mann...........I remember you was like this tall *points to the ground* not to long ago

Me: *smile* yall gonna perform


They walked in as the rest of them gave me dapps

Me: thank you........and im sorry if I disappointed you

Mom: *lightly smile* no problem.......and if your really want this then keep her, when your happy im happy

She hugged me and lani came out running, i didn't even know she was here

Kalani: drake is here

Mom: i know but you are not staying any longer to know why ....cmon

Kalani: aww man

Me: ma ill watch her

She looked at lani for a long time

Mom: alright

Kalani:*walking back in*. I was running through the six with my woesssddd

She sung, i shook my head and hugged my mom

Mom: enjoy

Me:*smile* i will

I went in and took another sip of my juice

Kalani's P.O.V

I was watching them preform and i felt someone's arm wrap around my waist and i looked up to see zire, ipyshed him away and startedwalking through the crowd and i felt him grab my arm

Me: zire get offf mee!!!!

I said pulling away, he pulled me to him but he pulled me yo the corner where no one was

Zire: lani you gotta listen to me

Me: no!!...........i gave you want chu wanted why do you still want to talk to me

Zire: it was never like that

Me: seriously??!!! That night after you told me i could trust you i gave you what chu wanted then after that you.....*tear* you dis owned me

Zire: babe ......

I was about to cry, because i was really loving him

Zire: i lost my phone and after that i went to your house to talk to you and chill but a.j came to the door nd told me to leave you alone, i dont know how he found out and lani i swear on my life i wasn't using you

I looked in his big eyes .......he never lied to me, so why start now.........he pulled me closer by my waist and bent down putting his forehead on mine

Zire: i really love you..........i would never take advantage of you

Me: are you that scared of my brother

Zire: a.j gets that way when it comes to you.........but i cant loose you.....these past months all i did was think of you


He kissed me and i kissed him back wrapping both of my arms around his neck,we kissed slowly and i was happy but mad that a.j would do this.....but im glad that we sort of patched things together, i miss him

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