Chapter 109

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Kayla's P.O.V

In the  morning August made me breakfast and Amy came down...she sat down and he gave her coffe

Me: how you feelin

Amy: *staring at the table* ........I feel irresponsible..........


Amy:.....if I would have just watched her.........this would have never happened

August: *sits down*

Amy: I don't know what I'm gonna do.......i have no family......*tearing* and no child

Me: *looks at August* Amy don't worry about finding a place you can stay here as long as you need okay

August looked at me

August:*shakes his head fast*

Amy; nooo that's two much...I can't

Me : well were else are you gonna go

Amy: I'll find a shelter or something

August:*looking at her and sighs*........  You can stay...until you find a place and get back on ya feet

Amy:*looks at aug* alright

We sat there and watched Amy cry some more....then she dragged herself upstairs

August: *sighs*

Me: Just look at it as a good deed

August: I know

I stayed downstairs and started watching t.v

Faith's P.O.V

I was at work bored and the front desk called

Me: hmmm

Desk clerk: you gotta package faith

Me: okay I'll be down to pick it up

I sat up and went down was a huge bouquet of blue roses...I walked passed them and then came back because they were beautiful

Me: where's my package Liz

Lizzy: right there

Me:  *eyes wide* these are for me

Lizzy: yeah nd here

She gave me another box and my eyes lit up canoles ....I stopped and picked up a rose these are so unique to find

Me: are these from Ethan

Lizzy: no.....from him

She nodded in the direction and it was a.j ...I sighed as he walked my way...

Me: what is this supposed to do a.j change my mind...

A.j:*shakes his head*

Me: look good

I said looking at him and noticing his tattoos on his arm

A.j: can i take you to lunch

Me:*smells the roses* I don't know can you

A.j: yup cmon

Me:*smile*.....first lemme drop these pretty thangs off

A.j: alright

I smiled and Lizzy was staring at a.j , I went upstairs leaving my flowers and pink box my desk and I grabbed my pocket book going downstairs......

A.j: cmon

He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked out and he walked me to the nearest outside restaurant

A.j: I've been thinking lately

Me: mmhmm

A.j: and I'm truly sorry faith

He scooted his chair next to mine so we can sit next to each other

Me:I know

A.j: so why can't chu take me back doesn't work that way

A.j: oh really

Me: yes really

He slid his hand on my thigh and I looked around....

Me: okayyyy a.j off

A.j: no....,,.tell me how it works if it doesn't work that way

Me: you .........can't just be like take me gotta earn it

He kissed my neck and I looked at him

A.j: I love ya eyes

He said getting off topic, he always thinks he can just sweet talk himself out of situations

Me: thank you

We ate and it was really good...we joked around and talked like before then he walked me back to work

A.j: can I get a kiss before you go

I grabbed his face with my right hand lowering him down and pecking his lips

Me: thank you for lunch

A.j: your welcome

I hugged him and went inside

Lizzy: who's that

Me:*waiting for the elevator* ........just a friend

Lizzy: mmhmm friend with benefit

Me: oh please Liz

I got inside and went to my floor thinking of a.j........he looked like he really wanted another chance...maybe I'll give it to him .....maybe not

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