Chapter 120

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Kayla's P.O.V

I was telling Imani about Amy and how I think something's up with her and August, something is up tho and I feel it

Imani: not to put it this way but what if he's cheating

Me: no, I'm not in denial either....I know he's not cheating

Imani: so what's the problem

Me: HER........ She's always to happy, like every thing is perfect rainbows and unicorns, and she's always around August like he's not hers he's mine

I stared ahead and shook my head and when I looked at Imani she was laughing

Imani: it's okay to be jealous

Me: ugh who's side are you on Imani

Imani:*laughing* yours I'm on your side......if it's that serious to you just kick her out

Me: but then where is she gonna go

Imani: Kayla it doesn't matter

I sat back and thought, maybe I don't have to exactly kick her out, maybe I can just show her that what's mines is mine

August's P.O.V

I was chillin now I'm not sick no more and I had Amira on the bed with me with her toys, and kalani had amari in her room, I watched Amira and she was playing with her toys and she started giggling making me smile, she was so innocent and reminded me of lani, she looked at me and threw her toy at my face

Me: owwwww

Ight probably not dat innocent cuz she started laughing, and crawled to me and looked at me like I was crazy

Me: you hurt me

She stopped laughing and looked sad and touched my nose, and looked like she was gonna cry

Me: aww no don't cry na

Her eyes got watery and she kept patting my nose

Me: I'm okay

Amira: *crying*

Me: aww man

I picked her up and she kept crying, I shook my head and gave her, her toy and she tried giving it back to me

Me: no I don't want it

She started crying harder and I took the toy Nd she stopped crying

Me: you was faking??

She wiped her cheeks with her little tiny hands and picked up a different toy

me: only you

She started crawling and kayla came rushing in and picking amira up

Me: whats wrong

Kayla: just hold on

She put da babey to sleep and came in and cleaned up the toys aand crawled on da bed

Me: can you tell me whats wrong na

She kissed me, catching me off guard

Me: wass all this for

I said palling away holding her arms, she looked at me like I was crazy and smacked me, and grabbed my face kissing me again, I shrugged pulling her on top of me taking het shirt off

Amy's P.O.V

I came in and everyone was sleep except august, I walked towards the door and just heard Kayla moaning and I rolled my eyes, she was loud for no reason and I got a little upset

Kayla:*moan* your mineeeee

I knew she did that on purpose I should've walked in like I forgot something, I went in my room and sat down, living with them for so long has me thinking twice about stuff like how I want august, and how I wanna be kayla so bad, she has it all and me having nothing does bothers me, she has four adorable kids and a sexy husband and a life I'd die for......but if I want it so bad I gotta take it right


Amy's P.O.V

Its been a couple days and she's really trying to run me out, every time I talk to august she comes out ta nowhere and start kissing him and walk away like its nothing and then he forgets what we were talking about, I went on the balcony with him because she was gone

August: wass up

Me: nothing

He looked out and sighed, and I stepped closer looking where he was looking

August: remember dat night I came in drunk

Me:how can I forget

August: can you tell me what I did

He said sitting down, I took a deep breath and looked at him

Me: you came in, and walked to me kissing my face and touching me and slapping my butt, then you pulled me upstairs and we started kissing and was about to have sex but you started throwing up

August: you do know I was drunk right

Me: yeah but you didn't stop

August: I thought you were Kay dats why, I haven't cheated on my wife in almost a full year and a half dear ain't no way imma start wit chu

Me: well you almost did and what is that suppose to mean

August: your not my type Amy

Me: what??

August: your just not....I do have a specific type nd just so happens my wife fell into that category but there really is no room cuz I'm all kays

Me: august

August: no on a serious note your really not I don't dig girls like you

Me: but I......I

Kayla came outta no where and sat in his lap

Kayla: I was looking for y'all, what chall talking about

Me: about that night a(GCO)

August: nun

He kissed her ear looking right at me,I shook my head and left, going upstairs. They want me gone then I'll leave

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