Chapter 20

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August's P.O.V

We landed in California and now we're on our way to Beverly Hills....Kay hasn't said anything to me since our argument, I've gotten use to her stubborn ways nd little attitudes... When I turned on my phone there was nothing but missed calls and text messages from shay , I didn't even bother reading them , I just straight up replied


I apologize but I had cut my phone off , so dat explain why I ain't have a chance ta talk to you but da good news is I'm back from New Orleans nd I want chu ta be ready go tonight

Within 5 minutes she replied


It's fine babe and I can't wait😘 see you later, love you

I pressed da middle button goin back to da home screen I looked next to me and Kay had her knuckles on the bottom of her chin I know I promised ta stop wif dis affair but I really am catching feeling for shay....:I put my head back and my hand on her leg and she pushed it off

Me: I swea you get mad ova da dumbest shit it's ridiculous

Kayla:*ignores me*

I sighed and we sat quiet fo da rest of da ride.. When we got our home me me a.j got da suitcases while Kay nd lani went in the house

Me: you heard da argument didn't chu

I asked cuz I realized he real quiet na I know when dea sum thin wrong wif him

A.j: *picks up a suitcase* don't ask me a question you know the answer to

He said not lookin at me

Me: watch ta mouth man

A.j: why ? *looks at me* cuz your not my father?..............last time I checked I was a sissy ......nd sissies don't run in yo family

He went inside and I stood there looking up at our house which was big, but that wasn't the point .....Kayla ain't talkin to me.....lani ain't talkin now , I must've really fucked up, and I started thinking


I laughed and it got louder, as I walked in closing the door behind me


I jogged up stairs still talkin shit

Me: aww errbody got dey lol attitude... Boo hoo suck it up

Lani: dad please shut up

I opened up my gum and started chewing on it.....

Me: y'all act like I really care.....especially when (GCO)


My eye brows scrunched together and I started walking to our room

Me: *laughing*

I went in nd Kay was in her bra nd stuff on her phone walking towards the bathroom

Me: ouuuu *smile*

She ignored me and I walked over to her pulling her waist to me, she started pushing me nd I bent back makin us fall on da bed nd she was on top of me


Kayla: the hell is wrong with you....

Me: why you so salty right na

Kayla: *sucks her teeth* So freaking annoying yo

I dragged my tongue on her neck and kissed her

Me: mm you actually sweet

Kayla: get off me

I ain't wanna go all the way to shays house, if Kay would stop actin like dis den I'll stay home , I kept kissing her neck and reached down squeezing her ass hard

Kayla: seriously August

Me: why you actin like dat

Kayla: because of that ass whole move you pulled In New Orleans

She was kinda Layin on me and her titties layed on my chest while she talked to me, I looked down and poked them and she got upset and popped me in my head

Kayla: that's what I'm talking about, you never pay attention to me you always thinkin bout something else

She got up and I watched her ass in her boy shorts and bit my lip

Me: I was listening to you

Kayla: go kick some rocks

She closed the bathroom door and I smacked my lips and later back ... I guess she made up her mind dat I'm not gone be smashin tonight so I might as well be able to fuck somebody that wants me and in this case that's shay ...she came back out a towel wrapped around her , and ha hair was wet....I smirked and waited for her to come to her night stand and I pulled on towel almost making it drop

Kayla: stopppppppaaaaaa


Kayla: *mumbling*

She walked away and I got my phone while she did what Eva it was she was doing shay texted me and I peeked at Kay putting her bra on


Baby hurry

Me:*gets up* babe me nd Chris gone hit up the studio

Kayla: mmhmm

Me:*grabbs her waist from the back* I know you mad at me but can you just let it go....please

She turned around and looked up at me then let out a sigh, I licked my lips and held her waist tighter

Kayla:*softly* just go nd when you come back hopefully I'm not that upset

Me: ight

We looked at each other for a minute and she pulled me down a little nd kissed me...I kissed her back of course and hugged her Lower back lower back still kissin her

Kayla: I love you

She said while kissing me, things like dis make me not wanna go to shays house, nd these things are like when Kay decide to fuss and play hard to get then be flirtatious with her soft voice nd shit

Me: I love you even mo

I gave her ass a firm squeeze still kissing her then she took my snap back off and pulled my shirt up

Kayla: *seducively* baby do you really have to go with Chris right now

She looked in my eyes and unzipped my jeans ..

Me:*thinking* .......................fuck it ....he'll understand

I picked her up nd she kissed on my jawline while I made our way to the bathroom...dats were we go when we really wanna get some whea nd da kids home ....while I pulled Kaylas sweats off I ain't even think about Shay

Me:*kisses her thigh*

She gave a lil shy smile be I kissed my way up to her lips nd I'm not talking about the ones on her face..........I really don't care if I ont make it ova dea cuz I'm with Kay right na...shay she can't forget she my sideline.....

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