Chapter 114

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Kayla's P.O.V

I've been in the hospital for two days and I wanna go home. August was home so I was here by myself and I finished feeding the babies and someone came in with flowers and bags

Me: wrong room

They moved the flowers and I smiled

Me: ahhh Mikey

He chuckled and came over and hugged me

Me: what are you doing here, wait how'd you know I was here

He put the stuff down and sat down

Mikey: Imani, she down stairs Parkin

Me: oh

Mikey: so how you been


Mikey: I see that

Me: I've seen your still suck

Mikey: I know and I've heard your albums there so Wack

Me: you's a hater

He started laughing and I sat down, he got up and went washing his hands and came back looking in the little baby bed

Mikey: look it they sleepin like little beans

He picked Amari up and held him softly

Mikey: since I missed out on a.j imma teach him football

Me:*rolls my eyes* oh boy

Imani came in with a baby boy and baby girl bag

Imani: wass upppp

She put them down and hugged me

Me: owe

Imani: I'm sorry

She let go and went by Michael

Imani:*gasp* look at themmm

She picked Amira up and started laughing put then woke her up and she was crying

Imani: oh na don't cry....*wispering* why you you cryin

Me: imaniiii

I got up and as soon as I went to the other side amari started crying

Me: oh my gosh

Mikey: eh calm down

Imani sat down and hushed Amira and amari stopped crying right away

Imani: it's like they copy each other

I laid down and thought of what August and this girl is doing now

Imani: ouuuu I gotta tell you

She said lowly putting the baby down

Me: what happened

Imani: remember ya lil friends from 12th grade

Me: yea

Imani: dey havin a little reunion right and they want chu to go but feel like your to stuck up to come

Me: what!!!...... And how do you even know

She looked away and scratched her ear

Me: Imani how do you know

Imani: I kinda....sorta umm

I looked at her and my eyebrow rose

Imani: I kinda ended up sleeping with one of them

Me: who

Imani: Cameron

Me: what!!!

Mikey: Whatt!!

Imani: I know I know

Me: how

Imani: it was more like a (GCO)

Mikey: you slept wif a boy

Imani: kind of it was more like.....

She was nervous and panicking

Imani: like someone was involved

Me: oh my god...stop the baby's are here

Mikey:*laughing* they don't know what she's talking about

Me: when was this

Imani: like maybe 4 weeks ago....he was a friend of my girlfriend and he came over and I knew he looked familiar but he was really flirty so anyway that's not the point the point is that you need to go so you can prove your not what they claim

Me: I don't have to prove anything to them, them niggas don't even talk to me anymore why should I care

Imani: because at one point you talked to them and they were there for you when me, mikey nd everyone else wasn't's not just you he said the same thing about August and Chris

Me: so they're mad I did something with my life and they decided to just lay around and just be in the club every night

Imani: ummm I be in the club every night it's not that bad

Me: yeah but Imani I'm not talking about chu

Imani: I have your back but you should still go.....

Me: fine....fine fine

I thought about it and it is crazy how I use to be cool with them but then as soon as phone calls stop I'm the stuck up I'm not falling for that

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