Chapter 107

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Faith's P.O.V

Me:*pecks his lips again* okay go home now

A.j: nooo lemme stay


A.j came to talk to me.....he told me what was going on with aunt Kay and muga.....I'm happy to hear that their okay , then he talked about this nia girl.... I'm not mean so I let him talk and now he has to go but we started kissing now hes about to leave

A.j: lemme stay

Me: noo


Me: why do you wanna stay here

A.j: I just been in the mood to hold some one lately...............nd nia doesn't like it so much *looks in my eyes*

Me: a.j..........August.......*shakes my head* you can't be doing this August noooo okay ...... You can't *shakes my head * can't break up with some one that really loves you to someone that chu think you love just to come right back to the girl that heart is broken because......just can't come back just to cuddle because we are not together any more and that's what I learned and we have to understand that don't do that ......please don't push me away like that when I need you

Me:..........., when you need me a.j.......... WHAT ABOUT WHEN I FUCKING NEEDED didn't care.....your selfish and only think about chur god damn self a.j

A.j: I'm sorry.....

He was tearing and I felt so bad.....but I'm not stupid

Me: you gotta go

A.j: please just give me another chance.....I learned my lesson I know what I lossed nd I just want it back

I softly grabbed his face making him look in my handsome, I thought.........but I can't let someone break my heart like that....aunt Kay was my example...I kissed his lips and told him to leave.....that was my last from a.j....imma miss him....but boys like him would stress me out nd I don't need it...

Kayla's P.O.V

August was gone and kalani was at a slumber party.....I went downstairs and a.j came in with his head down

Me: what's wrong

A.j:*shakes his head*

Me:a.j look at me

He stood there and I knew something was wrong I felt it...I went up to him and pulled his hoodie off and he was crying

Me: a.jjjjjj

I pulled him down hugging him

A.j: she doesn't w-w-w-want me any more ma

He held me back still crying....I couldn't understand what he was saying but when I see him cry I tear a little

Me: *rubs his back* just calm down

He slowed down his crying and we went in the kitchen and I made him sit down while I made him something to drink and his food...I sat down and gave him his food and he stared at it

A.j: I'm not hungry

Me: yes you just don't wanna eat because your feelings are hurt

He looked at me with his blood shot eyes.....can't forget that a.j is still a my eyes he'll always be my baby

Me: tell me what happened

A.j: I made a bad decision.........I cheated on faith with a girl I met .....and I lied to the girl and told her I was single and when they both found out about each other I picked the other girl nd I realized I don't want her because she's not like faith....and now faith doesn't want me anymore....she told me I'm selfish....and she can't deal with someone that breaks her heart

He said talking kinda fast and staring at the table

Me: a.j .......*sighs*.....

I rubbed my forehead and thought...he picked this up from his father, I swear when he comes home I'm gonna slap him just for this

Me: I don't understand this part left faith for someone that chu wanted to act like faith....*shakes my head* that makes no sense

A.j: I guess I never thought of it that way

Me: I guess all guys think that....until it's to late....

A.j: how can I fix this

Me: what can you fix???........

A.j: I regret it

Me: hey!!... No don't say shouldn't regret anything that happens to you....just look at it as a lesson.....okay

A.j: *nod*

Me: cmon eat

He started eating and August came in

August: wass up

Me: go upstairs

August: you talkin ta me

Me: yes

He went upstairs....and I sat back down with a.j

Me: take it off a.j

He looked at me with those eyes....that just makes you feel like you did something wrong but I'm not falling for it

Me: cmon now

A.j: why

Me: off a.j

He sighed and pulled it off....I shook my head and almost had an heart attach...

Me: what the hell !!!!

He closed his eyes and I shook my head looking at it....okay okay okay it did look cool but I still disapproved........

Me: how much did it cost

A.j: it was 350 but the guy did it for 200

I grazed my finger across kalani's and Alexis made me smile...he was eating while I was looking ...after I looked I went upstairs and as soon as closed the door and walked up to August and slapped him

August: owwwww

He said looking at me

Me: that......that's for influencing a.j that it's okay to break a girls heart.....why couldn't chu teach him how to love girls and treat them properly instead of playin them huh

August: I didn't teach him anything

Me: exactly you got him wishing he never did stuff all because......... I can't .....I just can't right back hurts my kid was crying....he has a full sleeve and I'm tired

August: well lay down

I laid on my back and he rubbed my stomach

August: what's all this about tattoos nd cryin

Me: we'll talk about it tomorrow cmere

I pulled him to me and cut the light off and he kissed my eye


August: oops dat wasn't ya lips

Me:*kisses him*

August: dea dey go

Then We went to sleep , but I still had to think about a.j and the fact that him coming home crying really did hurt me.

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