Chapter 124

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August's P.O.V

After I found out what was making me so sick it scared me, I could've stayed in the hospital but Kay needs me. When I got home I tried putting the hospital worries behind me and walked upstairs to hear kalani crying a.j trying not to laugh and quire looking like he was gonna piss on himself, Kayla looked at me and shook her head leaving until I grabbed her arm

Kayla: no!!... No!!... You ask your son why his friends almost Gang raped that girl

Me: Kay you gotta calm down and stay here and help me talk to them

I coughed and she looked at me and looked so sad , I was sick, I was tired....I don't have time for bad as it seems I needed to stay in that hospital , I went back in there and had Kay sit next to me while I looked at them

Me: big question........ what happened

They started talking all at once and I shook my head and banged on the door to shut they asses up

Me: August my son.....the oldest of my kids.....what did you and your friends do

A.j: I had sex with Amy

He said fast....I looked up and so did Kayla

Kayla: what!!!!!

A.j: I had sex with Amy........and I told my friends and they paid me fifty dollars each to mess with her

Kayla was so stuck I thought she was dead for a I was proud of him

A.j: I didn't know they were really serious but they were so I tried to stop it and then lani and zire came in and kalani called mom then they pushed us in my closet and locked the door it's two o'clock in the morning....kalani, take him to a empty room, I'll take you home tomorrow 

They left and I looked at a.j ,he looked down and Kayla was still stuck

Me: babey go in the room

She went in the room and I got up and he looked at me

Me: she came after you didn't she


Me: you learnin man

He looked lost and I hugged him for a long time, and left closing the door, then I went in Amy's room and grabbed her shit

Amy: what are you doing

She said trying to stop me

Me: you got mad........*chuckle* you got mad dat I ain't want you went to my dirty ass bitch

i said throwing her shit down the stairs.she looked at me and her eyes watered

Me:dat boy still in high school...he got a girlfriend,did dat stop you....hell na


Me: dey shoulda got cho ass just cuz you wanna be a hoe

Kay opened the door to the room and I stopped

Me: Kay go back in the room

I said stern...she closed the door and I kept throwing her shit downstairs

Me: you go on and start some shit out dea I swea each and everyone of dem boys including a.j gone have a lawyer....try me if you want to

A.j came out and helped me, while she kept crying, I keep tryin ta tell people to watch what it is dat dey do cuz you never know how dat shit backfires

Kayla's P.O.V

August came in after a good two hours and took a shower and stuff and he laid down, the lights were off and all I could keep hearing is a.j say he had sex with her

August: babey don't worry bout it

Me: she had sex with my baby August

He held me and pulled me on top of him and I laid my head on his chest

Me: what's wrong

August:........I got a rare's messing with my kidneys and lungs and stuff

I looked up and turned the light on and looked down at him

Me: what???

August: imma be okay

Me: noooo!!!, no you won't August what???!!!

I felt my eyes burn and water

Me: how did this happen

August: smoking to much I guess

Me: nooooo

He wiped my eyes and sat up and put his hands on the side of my face pulling my head to him while I cried

Me: what does this mean*crying hard*

He just kissed my forehead and I kept crying

August: just means I need kidney transplant that's all

He said low making me cry so hard I couldn't breathe

August: babey stop... Calm down

He kissed my lips and wrapped his arms around my body hugging me so tight

August: I swea to you I ain't goin nowhea Kay

Me: I don't want chu to be sick August *sob*

August: everybody get sick every now nd den, I'm just sicker then usual...I can't have no stress I just need you to be wif me and I need you to stay strong okay

Me: okay....

He wiped my tears and lightly smiled

August: be that spark in my heart

Me: *sobbing* I am

I wrapped my arms around his head and he turned the light off and laid back with me on top of him I kissed him until I fell asleep, I scared but imma be strong for my pookie bear

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