Chapter 62

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A.j's P.O.V

I was was at faiths house nd she was straddling my lap kissin me, we made it pretty obvious that we're together......tomorrow is my 18th birthday and im gonna announce the fact that me and faith are in a relationship

Faith:*pulls away* you sure you wanna do that

Me: mmhmm

I pecked her lips and she just sat there on my lap straddling me and playin in my hair

Faith: hows everything goin with muga

Me: i know you know he doin bad....

Faith: he can gets better tho, he just needs guidance

Me: he know what he needs to stop doin

Not so long ago, my dad tried having a show.....and embarrassed himself, before the show even started he was sweating like crazy and he wasn't singin as good as he usually do, his voice was cracking and he got boo'ed off stage but knowing my dad he was so high off what ever drug that he really thought he could beat everyone in the crowd....after that people started hating him. And his fan base shot down faster then a heart beat.....lucky for my mom nobody started hating her for my dads mistakes they loved her more for her individuality....

Faith: hes gonna be okay babe hes stronger then that

Me: i hope so

I love my dad, he helped bring me in this world, but i don't like the things he's doing and i really wish that he get his life together

Kayla's P.O.V

Me:*points* no put it there

I was helping with a.js party while he was where ever he was i felt arms slid to the front of me and tapped treys arm

Me: babe not now

Trey: take a break

Me: no i gotta make sure things are good

Trey: things look great just take a break

Me: *turns to him* okay

Trey:*pecks my lips*

I held on to his arm and watched the planners move around

Trey: is aug coming tomorrow

Me:*sighs* honestly i dont even know

Trey: did you hear from him ever since last week

Me: no and i don't car either

Trey: kay if he was lookin dat bad you cant be havin him around ........when he high off dat shit you ont know WHAT he's capable of

Me: i know

Trey: i just dont want him tryin no shit when it comes to you nd the kids

Me: i know....... Dont worry though i got it under control

Trey:*kisses me* i know you do

Me:*kissing him back* .................the house is rgonna be empty tonight

Trey: sure

Me: yeah!!.... Lani is goin to Morgans house and a.js spending the night at his friends house

Trey: mmmm


Trey:*smile* you know what that mean

Me: *nod*

We stayed and made sure everything was okay for a.js party

Kalani's P.O.V

I was at aunty Morgan's house and uncle malik kept tossing me on the bed

Me:*laughing hard* okay okay stop

Uncle Malik: say mercy

Me: neverrrrrrrr

I got up trying to run and he picked me up and body slammed me on the bed, i laughed and he tackled me with tickles all over my stomach and feet

Me:*snorting* ahhhhh stop, please *laughing* imma pee on my self *laughing* i can't breathe

He started laughing and let me up. And i ran

Me: *laugh* i dont have to use the bathroom suckaaaaaa

I fell and got rug burn on my leg

Uncle malik: thats what chu get


Auntie morgan: come down stairs

He grabbed me throwing me over her shoulder

Me: *punches his shoulder*

Uncle malik: that didn't even hurt

Me: thats because your like (GCO)

Uncle Malik: the best football player you know

He said walking down stairs

Me: yeah you wish

We sat down and auntie gave me my plate, i sat down and started eating

Me: wheres faith

Aunt Morgan: she's at her house

Me; oh

We were talking nd stuff nd some how i don't remember my dad was mentioned

Uncle malik: i seen him a few days ago, he looked bad

Me: *looks down*

Uncle malik: lani i ain't mean (GCO)

Me: its okay

Its really not okay that my dad is doing this he's embarrassing all of us and doesn't understand how bad he's making himself look

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