Chapter 16

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Kayla's P.O.V

When I got back to the hotel I was tired and it was like two in the morning....I knocked and a.j answered he smiled and helped me bring the stuff in..after all the help I closed the door and unzipped my coat

Me: where's lani and your father

Aj: lani locked herself in the the room and dad's back there

Me: why is lani locked in the room

A.j: she said she don't wanna be bothered

Me: okay

A.j: is there anything in there for me

Me:* chuckle* yeah but don't touch these bags till lani comes out

A.j: okay

I walked to the room me and August were in and when I got there the light was off, when I turned them on August was sitting in the chair with his shirt off and holding his head in his hands, I closed the door taking my jacket off without taking my eyes off him

August:*low* how was ya day

Me: fine...........yours

August: *looking down* miserable

I wasn't gonna ask him why because I didn't care ...but that didn't stop him from getting up and telling me

August: it was miserable cuz all I kept thinking about was the fact I might loose you

Me: boohoo August being with you for all these years I've heard it all and then some ain't foolin nobody

August: I ain't tryin ta fool you babey ...i(GCO)

Me: *give him the hand* eh......shut up August I've made up my mind I'm tired of you

He looked at me with a half smile and his eyes got low as he moved his head back giving me the yeah-right move like bitch-please face

August: you can never be tired of me .......leave me?......phhhh who gone replace me....ain't nobody takin my place, cuz nobody can treat cho ass like I can

I felt like a stupid ass .....I've always been bashing August it started feeling like I was the one wearing the pants in this relationship, nd I forgot that he can get aggressive and bring the beast outta him whenever he wants to, he walked closer to me and his face for more serious and right there I knew I was in deep in shit. Especially when he towered over me making me feel smaller than I already am. Plus he's gotten even more taller so I felt like bean

August: you ain't gone find nobody dat gone love yo ass like I do...ain't nobody gone annoy you like I always do........*scoffs* ain't nobody gone fuck you good like I do nd dats a fact

I looked at him and moved my head back a little back and he was serious...

Me: grow up

I said taking my sneakers off

August: I already did

Me: really!?? Cuz you don't act like it

August: da point I'm tryin ta make is dat I don't want chu to leave me

Me:* walks in the bathroom* it's not always what chu want

I took my clothes off slowly and got in the the shower, while I had the loofa in my hand after washing up I thought of August.....we've been through so much, and in tired but I love this guy ta death nd without him I don't know what I'll do....he's a pain and even after all this time I do feel like we can get through this ....after my shower I got out and dried off , then I left the bathroom and lotioned up putting on my undergarments and some pajamas then I laid next to him....he looked at me and we just stared at each other

August:*low* babey

Me:*looking at him* ............yeah

August: please.......please.... *pulls me closer* just tell me what I wanna hear

Me: do you wanna hear the truth or what chu want

August: tell me both

Me: I can't

August: when we stood in front of dat pastor I meant everything I said was true

Me: I know

August: Kayla please don't leave me

This always happens......and I'm always here to be stupid enough to give in

Me:*touching his jawline*

August: I love you.......I really do *shaking his head* and I can't imagine living without chu....Babe you've become my everything..even my air

Me:*tearing* then stop polluting your air............every time you get with these girls you make me feel like I'm not good for you anymore

August:*feeling bad* .......ain't nobody gone be able to take me away nd you'll always be good for me....I only love you nd da family we got

He wiped my tear away.....I feel nieve........vulnerable ......gullible....but I vowed to love him for better or worst sickness and health......I can't leave him .....because then he'd just be so miserable.............he slid his hand down to my waist and looked back in my eyes

Me: can we fix this

August: just gimme a chance

Me:*thinking for a while...........then nod*

He pressed his forehead on mine with our lips centimeters apart

August: I'm gonna try......and im gonna keep you happy.....

He kissed my cheek and talked softly while he slid his hands to my butt squeezing

August: imma always love you

Me: love you too

There was a long pause and he moved his face away from my neck and kissed hand rested on his shoulders and slided up to the back of his head, he softly tugged on my pajama pants and basically we just had some passionate sex and I forgot the kids were at the end of the hotel room....

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