Chapter 28

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August's P.O.V

It's been weeks and Kay is happy, but she doesn't even have conversations with me anymore....I feel like she's really fed up with me....we've even gotten to the point in the morning we say nothing, I got up going in a.js room because dinner was ready and he wasn't there....but there was a red box dat he tried to cover wif a sheet ....I went in and uncovered the box, and took it out looking in side

Me: well I'll be damned ......

There was bundles of money nd next to it was bags of heroine nd crack tubes nd shit.....I got up and gave a quick prayer askin God to give me enough strength but nothing worked....I grabbed the box and went downstairs getting in my car....I needed ta find him.....I had a feeling where he was at so I drove to Compton.........somewhere I haven't been since I was 18......I took a deep breath and drove slower along da trap houses nd stuff......den I saw him he was with a whole bunch of other people , and I pulled over and got out my car and speed walking over there

Me: so dis is what chu skip school fo

He looked at me with wide eyes and I pulled him to the car

A.j: get off me

I stopped nd looked at him

Me: why!!!

A.j: I don't have to explain myself

Me: your ducking 17 years old who da fuck you think you is

????: a man

I looked to the side and saw drey.........

Me: what the hell is this....

I closed my eyes and went to the passenger seat of my car and pulled out that box

A.j: you went through my stuff!!!

Me: shut the fuck up

I was beyond pissed...I walked up to drey and shook the box in his face

Me: I never thought I'll see yo ass again.......


Me: did you give this ta him

Drey: sure did.......and he works really good...*shaking his head* my best wor(GCO)

I slammed the box in his face so hard he fell nd next thing I knew I was fighting drey....AGAIN .....I let out as much anger as possible punching him in the head and seeing blood gush out his nose

A.j: *pulling me off him* dad stop

After I was pulled off drey tried getting up

Me: you tried fa Kay now you wanna go afta my son......STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY FAMILY CUZ......

I got up and pushed a.j in be car...then I got in a drive home mad as hell

A.j: *looking out the window*

Me: what is wrong wif you man

A.j: just leave m(GCO)

Me:NO!!!!......... I need some fuckin answers

A.j: well your not getting any

I pulled up to the house and he got out and went in and so did I after sloppy parking, when I walked in a.j was making his way to the stair case


Kayla: what happened!!!

Me: don't walk up them fucking stairs....

Kayla: what is going on !!!!

A.j's P.O.V

I was mad .....when I was up at lease the second step my father pulled on my hoodie and and I don't know what came over me but I punched him.....everyone got quiet and before I knew it...we were fighting

Mom: August stop!!!

She tried pulling my dad off me , I've never seen my father this mad....he punched me in my lip and I felt the blood form in my mouth ....I tried hitting back but he wasn't stopping

Me:*puts my hands up* I'm sorry ....I'm sorry please

He held my neck of my hoodie and pulled his fist back getting ready to strike again

Me: noooo

I was tearing getting ready to cry.....blood that was coming from my nose I coughed and my mom pulled him away...lani helped me up and I looked at my dad as I wiped blood away with the back of my sleeve

Dad: get out !!!

Mom: what!!

Dad:*pointing at me* get the hell out dis wanna sell dope, nd disrespect me get out

Mom: no!!! No we have to have a fa (GCO)

Dad: he working wif drey!!!! wanna kill yo self go ahead...ain't nobody gone stop you

Mom: no !!!! A.j go to your room

Dad: think I'm fuckin playin

He went upstairs and my stuff was thrown downstairs

Dad: take yo shit nd ain't puttin dis family in jeopardy cuz you wanna do sum stupid

Mom:*about to cry* August please stop!!!...... Where is he gonna go

A tear dropped from my eye when my father started throwing stuff in my suit case and then he opened the door and pushed my stuff out lani grabbed my arm and started crying

Me: stop crying

He grabbed my arm and lani held to my other one and my mom was trying to push my dad off ...then he pulled me away and pushed me out

Kayla's P.O.V

Me: *crying* August please get my son!!!

August: leave em!! He'd be fine .......he wanna act grown lettem do what he want to

Me: he can't survive like that aug

I ran to the door nd when i opened it he wasn't there, but his stuff was

Me: *scream* A.j!!!!!

I feel to my knees, grabbing his clothes in my hands , I was crying because I don't know what's gonna happen to him, I pulled out my phone and tried to call him but there was no answer

Me: WHAT did you do!!

I screamed as I pushed August

August: he got it....he wanted someone ta kiss up to him nd I ain't doin it....

Lani was crying to but she went up stairs....

After awhile I pulled a.j's stuff inside and went upstairs to put in his room, I started tearing again when I saw lani sleeping in his bed......i put his stuff in his dressers for when he comes home....I know he's gonna come home I pray that he does...

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