Chapter 5

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August's P.O.V

It's been a couple days since lani asked me to go to new orleans and i wanna keep my lil princess happy but kay bein a party pooper nd dont wanna go

Me: why

Kayla: because just not now

Me: but chu da same one dat wanted to go da day after we got married....

Kayla:*looks at me* you remember that

Me: yes i remember


Me:*climb on da bed* see...........i knoe you wanna go

Kayla:*rolls her eyes*

Me: what chu rollin dem eyes fo

Kayla: becasue i want to

Me:*rubbs her leg*

Kayla:*pushes my hand away*

Me: what da hellllllll

Kayla:*gets up* what's wrong with you

She said walking towards the dresser takin her sneakers off den she pulled her shirt off nd i looked at da tattos on her back dat looked perfect like the first time i saw them

Me: nothing

I laid there with my arm up playin wif my eyebrows watchin kay undress.........when her pants were off i looked down at her ass waitin for her to turn around

Me: c'mere

Kayla: why

Me: cuz i want chu to

She turned around and walked to the bed

Kayla: now what

Me:*lookin at her body pattin da bed* get up hea

She looked at me and climbed on the bed lookin in my eyes at da same time.................i bit my lip and pulled her to me

Me: you ont got nun ta say cuz da kids aint hea.......

Kayla:.............................* looking at me and smile*

I leaned down and kissed her stomach and her belly button, and i licked her stomach teasin her and pulled on her panties wif my teeth lettin go makin it snap back to her waist

Kayla:*giggle* stop

Me: *licks my lips*

I looked up i her eyes and got to work.

A.j's P.O.V

Kalani: nooo we gotta go back

Me:*sucks my teeth* why

Kalani: i left my phone

Me: you'll live without it

Kalani: a.j!!!!

Me: c'mon if we go back there gonna catch us

Kalani: no there not imma be fast

We had permission to go hang out with our frends but we didnt have permission to take dad's farrai.....we just stole it and i'm not even supposed to be driving because i'm still under age, but nobody would knoe, i made a u-turn and stepped on the gas and drove through the gates of the entrence and drove to the front of the house, then lani jumped out and silently ran soon as she went in i looked in the rearview mirror and wanted to change my hat so i went in the house and caught up to lani that was still walking up the stairs

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