Chapter 45

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Kayla's P.O.V

I was in the kitchen humming something and a light bulb clicked in my head.......kalani and a.j came down stairs and got there breakfast

Me: can i ask yall something

Both: *nod*

Me: how would you to feel if I went back the studio

Kalani: ......are you still gonna have time for us


A.j: *shaking his head* no

Me: why

A.j: because when its time to go on tour then we gotta go with dad and he gets annoying after a while

Me: so what!!....... Theres times ill come get chall to come with me

A.j: seriously

Me: yeah!!

A.j: when are you gonna release something

Me: *shruggs*...........i was just thinking about it

Kalani: oh

Me: okay now that thats out the way my other announcement is that...........*sighs* im seeing someone, and he wants to meet chall

A.j: *mouth wide*

Kalani: oh my god


A.j: your seeing someone!!!!

Me: yeah and he wants to meet you guys

Kalani: who is he

Me: im not gonna say anything untill he comes

A.j: when is this guy coming

Me: tonight


Me: where gonna go out to dinner he bald

Me:*chokes in my orange juice*

Kalani: .........this better be good

A.j: dad is not gonna like this

Me: *sighs* i know

Kalani: *eye brows raised* all i can do is wish for the best, because ............i hope this person is not like dad's grimlin

Me:*smile & shakes my head*

They went upstairs and i started washing the dishes.....i hope tonight ends well

August P.O.V

Today im in my own.....i went outside and chilled for a while just thinking nd stuff clearing my mind......maybe i should take a trip...get outta California by myself, hopefully when i get back i can work things out with kayla, cuz i miss her.....i went to go shopin and i saw trey....i shook my head and turned around

???: aye wass up

I turned around and took a deep breath

Me: sup

Trey: nun......what chu been up to

Me: ........................nothing much you

Trey: *smirk* life's good fa me.....sorry nun workin out ......hows kay

Me: why do you wanna know

Trey: just askin

Me: she's fine

Trey: last time I seen her.............she seemed real happy

Me: is dat so

Trey: mmhmm........*smile* seemed like she couldn't get enough of what she was smiling for, like she loved it

Me:*raises my eye brow* what was she smiling for

Trey: *shruggs* ..........hows the kids

Me: why are you askin me so many questions

Trey:*raises his eyebrows* because i kinda feel like it

Me: My kids are fine

Trey: dats good

Me: dont chu got sum where you supposed to be

Trey: its ight ill get there when i get there

I paused for a second and his phone rung......when he said dat it sounded just like da nigga dat picked up kays phone dat day talkin bout shell get there when she get there...

Trey: aye....actually i gotta go now ...see you around man

He left and that whole thing just got stuck in my mind.........then i thought............
Na aint no way kayla fuckin wit trey....after i got my stuff i left, nd picked up sum to eat

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