Chapter 108

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August's p.o.v

Me and kay was at home depot looking for paint and other things to decorate the kids bedroom

Me:i think we should do teal and white

Kayla: no, what if i wanna do white and teal

I started laughing and she smiled picking up the light shade of teal and the white

Me: we could get the cribs now

Kayla; no not here

Me: but this one is real nice

I said looking at the white one it look nice and roomy

Kayla: no

She started walking away and i picked up the big box putting it on top of the cart and i started picking up selves and stuff

Kayla: august i said no crib

Me: yeah but they my kids

She looked at me and smacked me up side my head

Kayla: shut cho ass up

I looked at her and smacked my lips

Me: im ready to go

Kayla: after you get everything you want for them...........

Her phone rung and she answered

Kayla: hello......yes......why are you crying what happened..... What amy you have to calm down .......ill be there i a second

She hung up and looked at me

Kayla: cmon aug its an emergency

Me: na we right hea online

Kayla: but its an emergency august come on

Me: na im gettin dis shit na

I started putting shit on the rolling thing nd she gone leave, i had the car keys so i shrugged, I really liked this babey stuff i aint leavin it, after i paid fo da paint nd shit i went to put it in the car......its at lease 85 degrees out chea, so when i looked down the block nd saw my 7 month pregnant wife walking in dis heat i was beyond pissed off i hurried up and drove up to her

Me: is you fucking crazy get cho ass in da car

She looked at me surprised and got in the car

Me: its almost 90 degrees nd you wanna walk

Kayla: you was taking to long

Me: i dont care how long i was taking you dont leave da stoe nd plan ta walk miles to whea eva you wanna go when you carrying twins in ya gahdamn stomach

Kayla: okayyy stop yelling at me

Me: done lost ya mind or sum

I said driving she gave me the adress and I started driving and she was pouting i threw twizzlers on her lap, when i turned the corner there were so many people outside and a ambulance and cop cars

Kayla:whats going on

I sloppy parked and looked around

Me: stay in the car

I got our and kaylas friend from that video shoot was wildin out crying hysterically

Amy:*screaming* MY BABBBBYYYYYYY

i looked and it was a car stopped and a little puddle of blood and the ambulance closed the back of the truck

Me: what happened!!!

Neighbor: baby was playing in the street while she packed to leave, they were evicted

Me: oh my god

I looked back and kay was looking out the window  trying to figure out what happened


I went over there and picked her up and she was swinging

Me: calm down amy calm down

I put her in the car and kay climbed to the back with her

Kayla:*tearing* what happened

Me: kay get back in the  front


Kayla:*gasp* oh my god what, oh my god august what happened

Me: kayla, call down please

Kayla:*crying* wheres the babyyy

It was to hectic, kay cryin, amy cryin, neighbors cryin everyone wasnt even  atlease trying  to calm down


Amy cried  on kays lap and i got in the car and drove home, the whole time amy was sobbing and just crying, when we got to the house amy was sleep

Kayla: just put her in that empty room

Me:by lanis room

Kayla: *nod*

Me: ight juss stay in hea

I picked amy up and walked in the house, her face was red nd i felt so bad, i laid ha down nd slipped ha shoes off sliding the blanket up to her den i went getting my wife

Kayla: august i feel so bad

Me: cmon you calm down dont  stress on dis

Kayla: well what are we gonna do about her

Me: we'll talk bout dat when she wake up

Kayla: okay

After i got kay in da bed i put da stuff away amd went in da room, kay was sleep so i laid down, its sad dat girl lost ha babey like dat but at da same time i got questions, nd a whole lotta dem, first main one was why was da babey playin in da street??... If da neighbor saw why she ain't say nun??? It was a whole  lot on my mind dat i wanted to ask but wasnt going to


Im so sorry I haven't been posting but im back nd im better thank you love you all

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