Chapter 40

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Kayla's P.O.V

I was driving on the high way and my car stopped....

Me:NO !!!! No fuckin wayyyy

I got out and my hair was getting soaked and after a which i was drenched......i wiped my face as i opened the lid acting as if i know what the hell I'm doing,....a black car passed by and made a u turn this is some scary movie shit.....i closed the trunk and when i looked it was trey......i stood there abd he walked up to me.....his shiry was soaking and i tried so hard to just look at his face

Trey:what happened

Me: it stopped

I said squinting because of the rain.....he opened the lid and checked and started checking the inside

Trey: start the car

I went in and put my key in put nothing happened, he did some other stuff and told me to try again and when i did nothing happened, i got out and looked at what he was looking at

Trey: yeah....this is done

He looked at me then closed the lid

Trey: ya house is another 60 miles away bachelor pad is right down this lane, ill call and gave em tow it first thing in the morning

Me: i ont know

Trey: its rainin pretty hard

Me: okay.....

I walked to his car and got in the passengers seat ....i was soaking wet too, he got in the car and fanned his wet shirt from his skin, he started the car and turned the light off

Trey: its 12 clock watchu doin out here

Me: i was coming from August mothers house

Trey: i heard about lil aug.....hows he holdin up

Me: he's doing okay

Trey: dats good

Me: what was you doing outside

i said as we pulled up in his driveway....his bachelor pad was really nice, it was two floors put it was covered in glass and was see through....we hurried up and walked in , he had the fire place burning so it was warm....nice place

Trey: thanxs..... C'mon

I followed him up the spiral staircase that was pretty cool and we walked over to this room

Trey: ill let chu stay in here

Me: thank you

Trey: oh

He went in the bathroom and gave me a towel.....i looked around and there was a wall that was covered in glass that showed the view....

Trey: do you wanna .......change

He said i nodded because i was shivering and cold from this rain, he went and gave me one of his shirts and basketball shorts

Trey: imma be down stairs....calling the people

He licked his lops and i nodded he was a little shy because its like he wanted to say something but he kept his mouth shut and walked out.....i grabbed a wash cloth and turned the warm water on...and i stripped outta my soaked clothes and i took a warm shower and after wards i put the basketball shorts on and the shirt and walked out the room, i was the washing machine and the dryer and i put my stuff in the washing machine and put soap in starting the load....then i walked down stairs and he was in the kitchen...he was in a regular grey shirt and basketball shorts......

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