Chapter 56

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* up against the wind.......please play this song as many times as needed for the whole chapter*

Kayla's P.O.V

I was laying down reading how far my album got, then my phone rung and it was a.j

Me: hello

A.j: *crying* mom

Me: *sits up* a.j why are you crying

A.j: *cries* mom.........d-d-dad.......

Me: what happen

A.j: *sobbs* his plane c-c-c-crashed

I froze for a second and turned the t.v on there was a plane crashed on the ground and fire everywhere my heart pumped fast as my eyes got watery

Me:*shakes my head* hes not in there

A.j: mommm

I covered my mouth as i turned the volume up

News: several passengers were rushed to los angeles hospital, there were some passengers that were not able to make it...............*looks to the side* was just told that r&b singer August alsina was present on that plane

Me: *gasp* no........

My tears fell as i ran out the house getting in my car, i wasnt even able to hear if August was one of the survivors.....i just hope he's there.........god please dont do this....please, i pulled up to the hospital and there were so many reporters already out side i didnt even park i just ran in with pajamas all, i went to the front desk with tears all over my cheeks

Desk clerk: *looks down* ...........mrs.alsina.............your not allowed to go up there

Me: *cries* what !!!......why, he up there ........please tell me he's up there

She looked at me with her green eyes with sympathy

Desk clerk: *grabbs my hand softly* hes up there *nod* hes up there , *looks down*

I snatched my hand away and ran upstairs

Desk clerk: no ma'am

When i got to the floor i had hopes he was on it was crouded with people, i ran wiping my tears to doors and lani came and ran to me hugging my stomach

Me: *crying* lani calm down

It was hard to get someone to stop crying when your crying also........

Lani:*crying hard*

I walked over to the hallway holding lani and ms.sheila and everyone was there

Me: *looking down*

Ms.sheila:*rubs my back* we gone pray and he gone make it

Me:why was he on that plane

I said low, trying not to cry hoping he makes it.........

Chris: he said he was leaving for a while *sobbs* to clear his mind

Even chris was crying, he looked away as my tear dropped

Shay: i told them to leave you down stairs, aug wouldn't want chu up here

I looked at her and got up picking up the chair i was sitting on and threw it at her face and just kept slaming the chair

Me: *screams* this is all YOUR FAULT..........ITS ALL YOUR FAULT

I screamed banging the chair on her body and face, someone pulled away and i kicked her in the head as someone picked me up and they had a strong grip

Me: your the reason he's in there......... WHY......WHY ...... Couldnt. Chu just leave our family alone

It wasnt long until I realized it was the cops that was holding me, they pulled me out to the elevator

Me: noo!!!!! No my husband is in there you cant do this!!!!!

They held my hands in front and hand cuffed them

Officer: ma'am please calm down......i know this is hard time for you but you can not do that

I tried running back, and they grabbed me putting a shot in my an instant i felt sleepy and dozed off.........


{ 11:00 am}

I woke up in hand cuffs and i was sleeping on my mother, i got up and everyone was still there, my mom was stroking my hair i lifted up realizing this isnt a dream, and how august was really in there.....

Me:*looks down at the cuffs* why are these on me

Imani: you tried to kill shay

Me: .......thats not surprising

I said under my breath, I didn't remember anything i did last night....just me finding out aug was on that plane

Doctor: *shakes his head*.........alsina....again

We got up because it was the same doctor that was here for a.j

Doctors: he is in a deep coma........*shakes his head* i pray hell make it but truths are there's a possibility he wont

Me:*lightly cries*................

I walked to the window that was clear of his room and that had him laying there, with a lot of wires on him

Doctor: you can go in

Me: no......*shakes my head* i cant

Seeing him like that up close would tear me apart, a.j, lani, ms.sheila and others went inside.......i sat down while they took the hand cuffs off and held my head in my hands .....what am i gonna do.....i cant do this on my own, i need august here by my side.... I cried thinking of the last thing i said to him "go fuck yourself, then after that drop dead" ........i cried harder i regret it all...i wish to take it back........i felt a cool breeze on my back , and for some reason it made me stop crying a little....the breeze went up and down like someone was rubbing my back, it was creepy but i thought nothing of it

???????:.................*softly* im okay

I looked around and no one was here, and everyone was still in there........i looked to the side and almost fell out my chair, i could've sworn i saw august, my eyes got wide as i looked harder, and i was really seeing him, and my dad, and melvin was next to him, and a girl she looked a little older, and she looked just like august, with a little bit of me ..........i covered my mouth and cried....... She smile and waved, and walked towards me

???: mommy

I breeze pushed past me as she disappeared and my dad, looked at me nodded......mel grabbed aug and nudged his head as august started laughing

August: *laughing* stop bro

My tears ran down like a water fall as a knot formed in my throat


He looked at me and smiled

August: i love you

And then he was gone.........i rubbed my eyes, and sure enough the hallways were clear


Doctors ran inside and my heart dropped and i cried harder its over......i wasn't even able to say goodbye

~thank you for reading guys

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