Chapter 128

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Kayla's P.O.V

After eating ice cream I went to the hospital I sat in the waiting room waiting hours before a doctor came out

Me: hi

Doctor: hello mrs. Alsina

Me: how is he???can I see him?? is okay is he alive??

I said with my hands together maybe looking like a kid hoping to see Santa Claus

Doctor: he's defiantly alive and well and he's been up since last night

Me: oh my god yesssss

I said smiling happy hearing the news, he started saying something but I ran past him looking for the room he was in and when I saw him I ran inside almost falling


He chuckled as I held onto him tightly, I was so happy, I didn't have to worry about my biggest fear and that was pookie bear not waking up

August: I love you girl

Me: I love you to I love You I love you I love you to the infinity and fucking beyond august

I kissed all over his face especially his lips, when I pulled away there was red lips everywhere

Me: how do you feel

August: ight..

Me: feel different ?

August: not really juss a lil tired dats all

I smiled and hugged him ,and he held me rubbing my back

Me: these past days I didn't know what to feel ....what to think ...what to do

August: why you always so know who you married babey I ain't goin no whea

I looked at him and he gripped my chin and kissed me

Me: I want chu to come home

He weakly smiled and turned his head to cough my smile faded and he shook his head

August: don't look at me like dat

Me: why you still coughin

The doctor came so I sat up while he walked over with papers handing them to me

Doctors: those are prescriptions for him to take pills, still has coughing only because he's adjusting to the new transaction....and a cream that should be applied to the stitches to heal and ummm please no smoking try to stop it if you addicted you need to take it step by step and try to stop okay

August just stared at him like he lost his mind

Me: right august

August: no

I looked at him and he sucked his teeth shaking his head

August: fine

Doctor: you'll have to do check ups so we can make sure your good and your good to go by wendsay

Me: okay that's great thank you

It was Sunday and I expected them to keep him longer after the surgery but I was happy things were good, I sat on the edge looking at him

August: you look nasty what happened

Me: what you mean I look nasty that's mean

August: you just look weird

I stared at him and rolled my eyes. I didn't have no weave no eyelashes no make up my eye brows weren't done and my nails were off, I wasn't worried about any of that since he's been in the hospital. I had my hair in a pony tail and a true religion hat and a white shirt and black Leather jacket and Adidas pants with Adidas sneakers and red lipstick I wasn't looking for attention

Me: you so mean

I said laying down next to him in the hospital bed with my back to him, I felt comfortable and sleepy now I can sleep knowing he was okay

August: you coulda at lease did sum wif dis hair

Me: why get all dressed up if my pookie bear in the hospital

I said closing my eyes arching my back so my butt could be on him

August: you play to much

I smiled and he wrapped his hand around my stomach holding me pulling me closer and I felt his print

Me: I'm so tired

August: why you ain't get no sleep

Me: worried, then the twins....a.js been in and out the house

August: what bout lani

Me: she's been helping me, can't belive I didn't have to ask her to put her phone down and help, she's cleaned helped with the twins I'm shocked

August: she's growing up

Me: I think so to .....and-----....what the fuck august

I turned my head and he was smiling

August: I'm sorry....wait hell na you da one pokin ya ass on me

I turned towards him witch made it worse

Me: imma go home

I said teasing him and he held me tighter

August: no don't leave me

I smiled and he kissed me holding me closer I was so happy that things were fine

August: c'mon go ta sleep beautiful

I snuggled on him and it took no time for me to start snoring

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