Chapter 104

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A.j's P.O.V

we were in a interview and it was Wendy....I was sitting between lani and my mom and it was kinda nerve wrecking and I felt myself getting ready to panic

Wendy: you two grew up so fast

I fucking hate when they say that shit....da fuck we supposed to do...become midgets

Wendy: how old are you a.j

Me: I'm 18

Wendy: wow

Me:*fake surprised with her* yeah

Wendy: will you guys take them to New York for the concert

Dad: we haven't decided yet

Wendy: kaji do you see yourself doing something when you get older

Kalani: that's not my name*smile* its kalani not kaji

Wendy: ouuuu im sorry, you seem like the type to have an attitude like your father

Kalani: ...*fakes smile*

I could tell lani sayin sum thin smart under her breath

Kalani: I don't know what it is exactly I want to do maybe act....or write I really don't know

Wendy: is singing something you like

Kalani: yea

Wendy: August if you would you ever have your daughter feature on any of your singles

Dad: I really don't know because stuff like dat is up to her I wouldn't wanna put her in da spotlight like dat unless she's ready

Wendy: and a.j will you ever take your dancing to another level

Me: of course I will.........when I'm ready


I looked in the crowd full of women....none were really nice looking so I looked back at Wendy

Wendy: when I saw that video it was really good, and that was your first time on stage right

Me:*shakes my head scratching my nose* ......I've been on stage before but never preformed

Wendy: your graduating right

Me: next year

Wendy: you go to a public school

Me: yes but no.........its complicated but it's in l.a where normal kids go

Wendy: is it hard fitting in

Me: no......who wouldn't wanna talk to me

Wendy:*surprised* oh okay........a.j...we never clarified....that's not actually your real name right

No the fuck she didn't.....I looked at her and cut my eyes at her wanting to snatch that fucking wig off her big ass head

Mom: yes .....his name is August but to save confusion we call him a.j

Wendy: *laughing*because I'm just sitting here like is this , this kids real name

Dad:*not thinking anything is funny*

Wendy: *clears her throat* Kayla are you releasing an album

Mom: no.....I'm taking a break and just relax being a mom is enough work

She said playing in my hair....i hate when my mom does that it makes me get ready to fall asleep before I could tell her to stop she moved her hand

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