Chapter 117

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Kayla's P.O.V

I was done feeding the babies so I went downstairs to make my own food and Amy was down their I haven't spoken to her since before me giving birth

Amy: hi

Me: hello

I said looking in the fridge...I wanted to make something fast so I could go back in the room

Amy: how are you feeling

Me: I'm fine you

I really didn't want an answer I just didn't wanna be an assehole

Amy: fine I actually have a date tonight we'll my third date

Me: really......with who

I looked in her eyes drinking my orange juice waiting for an answer

Amy: Trey.....isn't that crazy

I literally chocked and I couldn't breathe

Amy: ouuu you okay

I grabbed a paper towel and covered my mouth closing my eyes gettin my shit together

Me: you said *gag*

I calm down for a second,that's how disgusted I was ....because I was willing to throw up

Amy: he's so nice and charming and his kisses are just

I wanted to throw up again, I was seriously sick

Amy: he's just so romantic... I think  I'm happy again

I felt bad but still wanted to throw up...

Me: I'm so glad your happy

Amy: thank you so much though you and August have been a big help

Me: no kidding

She went upstairs and I shook my head, then August came in

August: what's up

He kissed my forehead and tried to kiss my mouth

Me: don't do that I just threw up a little

August: ewww

Me: I'm just really disgusted

He chuckled and went upstairs, the babies started crying and I grabbed my hair

Me: *growling* uggghhhhh I was just up there

I jogged up the stairs and August and amy was in there aww hell no

Me: oh it's okay, I got it

I said taking my daughter away from her, I really don't like Amy just because of the fact she's always hogging my husband , she looked at Amira and looked down

Amy: I guess I should get ready for my date

Me: yeah you should you don't wanna be late

She left and I rolled my eyes

August: wass allat fo why you bein rude

Me: shut up always wanna be nosy

August: stress nd beef by ya self don't bring me into nun since you gotta attitude

he said leaving with the baby

Me: so annoying

After I calmed Amira down I put her in her her crib and left and took my shower because I felt sweaty and sticky nd yuck, when I got out August was getting dressed

Me: where you goin

August: nun of ya business stop bein nosy

Me:*suck my teeth* really....aug

He left and got in his car, I rolled my eyes and got dressed, then I went downstairs because someone rung the bell

Me: who

I opened the door and Trey was there...oh yeah Amy

Trey: hello

Me: hi

I let him in and was gonna go tell Amy he was here

Trey: you gonna act like I'm not here

Me: what *confused* I gave you a hi

Trey: a bluntly hi like you ain't care to see me

Me: because I don't

I said walking towards the stairs until he tried to stop me

Me: ugh what

Trey: I really do miss you

Me: okay thank you for the love , will you like a picture

Trey: seriously stop playing

Me: I'm not fucking playing....I'm back to reality Trey.... My reality is the fact I have four kids now.....I can't mess around, because I have responsibilities I'm not getting younger and I'm starting to see this shit isn't a game

Trey: it was supposed to be me and you

Me: I'm married need to carry on and go on this date and forget about me because we don't have a future together

I pulled my arm away and went upstairs and Amy was at the top

Me: enjoy

She went down stairs and walked past Trey going outside, I guess she heard...but that's not my problem I don't care

August's P.O.V

I went and chilled by myself and kay kept calling me

Me: what

Kayla: I need help are done with your tantrum

Me:*walking back* I ain't have a tantrum you just aggravated da shit outta me

Kayla: can you come home

I hung up driving home, when I got there she was in the room watching tv with the babies on the bed, and I threw my keys on the nightstand

Kayla:*watching the tv*

Me: you want me ta come back juss for you to still have a attitude

She held one of the babies rubbing their back actin like she ain't hea me

Me:*smacks my lips* I don't care any more fuck ya attitude

I said picking the other baby up and leaving the mata how mad I get at Kay I won't show it when it comes to da babies cuz dey ain't do nun to me

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