Chapter 12

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Kayla's P.O.V

It's been two days since the incident in New Jersey.....and honestly I walk around as if I don't know or see august here.....he gets aggravated, but I don't care.....I sat on the bed and laid back, getting on my phone, he came in a few minutes later and just stood there

August: how long you keepin up da silent treatment

I still didn't say anything, then he came and sat on the bed and let out a big sigh, days like this I wanna kill him if he wasn't the father of my children then I would've........because he acts as if he has no idea how bad he's hurting me....but I'm the stupid one also, because all I do is sit around and take his bullshit

August:*looking over his shoulder at me* you bein childish Kay

Lani walked in and climbed on our bed sitting at the bottom of my feet

Me:*looks down from my phone* what happened

Kalani: even though you and daddy aren't talking are we still going to New Orleans

August: yea lani we are

Kalani: *playing in her hair* dad I wasn't talking to you

August: well excuse me

Me: you guys are still goin I think imma stay home

Kalani: noooo why


August: lani give us a second nd close da doe

She got up and when I tried to get up he pulled me down

August: all you want is my attention

Me:.........lemme go

August: na lemme talk to you first

Me: there's nothing to talk about

August: *pulling on my shirt*

He didn't say absolutely anything and neither did I........even though I didn't like august at this very moment didn't mean I indeed wanted some sexual attention but not now

August:*kissing my neck* you gone be mad at me fo Eva?

His soft warm kisses were driving me crazy but I was trying my best no to show it

August: I wanna see how long it's gonna be befo you start sayin my name....cuz I ain't havin dis attitude dat chu got...

He hovered over me still kissing my neck and he just started kissing my lips, just soft little pecks and he rose up and looked in my eyes

August: I love you

He said sliding his hand over to mine intwinding them together, he continued to look in my eyes.......I'm tired of hearing these same I love you's and I'm sorries's getting tiring.....I've gotten so use to don't hurt me as much It doesn't bother me, what does bother me is the fact that august really thinks I'm stupid

August: you ain't gone say it back

Me:*looking away talking softly* love you to

August: imma change

Me: you said that Last time

August:*looking in my eyes* do you still trust me

Me: *shaking my head* no

I softly pushed him off me and went down stairs and started cooking dinner

August's P.O.V

I sat up and a few minutes later kalani came in and sat on da bed

Kalani: dad are you and mom gonna separate

Me: what chu mean

Kalani: like *looking down* are you two gonna get a divorce

Me: what makes you think dat

Kalani: it's just that all yall do is argue now a days and now she's not talking to you

Me: babey girl we're not getting a divorce..........your mom is just going through menopause

Kalani: *eyes wide* oh my gosh.........seriously


I know I was straight up lyin........Kay isn't even old enough to start goin through menopause .....I'm just too ashamed ta tell my daughter that her father is sleeping with another woman

Kalani: imma stay away from her because I don't want her yelling at me.....but are we still goin to New Orleans

Me: yea nd your mother is still coming

Kalani: okay

She leaned in and hugged me and pecked my cheek den she got up and walked out.......I ont know what I'm goin ta do cuz da kids is gettin old enough to know what's goin on my phone started ringing nd it was shay

Me: wass up

Shay: August I miss you

Me: I'll be lyin if I was ta say I ain't miss you

Shay:.........what chu doin

Me: nun I was just talkin to kalani about New Orleans

Shay: aww when ya'll goin

Me: inna week

Shay: gosh imma miss you even more


I thought while shay started talking I feel like a douche bag

Me: shay babe

Shay: huh

Me: we gotta start slowin down

Shay:*sounding disappointed* I know baby

Me: just the fact dat I'm married makes it worse

Shay: then divorce her aug............she's already thinkin it and you like keeping her happy so give what she wants and file for divorce

Me:*sighs*...................... My kids

Shay:*huffs* do know we can start our own family aug

Me: imma call you a nother time but chu did gimme something to think about

Shay: I love you....


Shay: babe

Me: luh you too

I hung up nd As soon as my phone was down Kay walked in the room

Kayla: *bluntly* dinners ready

Me:*kisses her shoulder*

I wrapped my arms around her pullin her back...

Kayla: Aug get off me

Me: no

Kayla:*trying to get up* your so fucking annoying

Me: I ain't gone let chu go

Kayla:*sucks her teeth*

Me: Kay

Kayla: what!!??

Me: I yuhh you

Kayla:*looks away*

i kissed her nd got up gettin ready to go down stairs ........ I'm not gonna think about what shay juss tole me cuz I can't leave da mother of my kids, I just can't leave my wife

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