chapter 93

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Kayla's P.O.V

I was scared and i mean really scared why???...... Because August is about to do my hair ...and i think its stupid but he said its gonna help him to know what to do if we ever have another girl... And to make it worse he made me not even touch my hair for two days so i look a mess

Me: please dont fuck up my hair

August: chill.....i got dis

I crossed my legs and he grabbed the comb and started,combing through my tangles which hurted so bad


August: dont tell me you tenda headed na

Me:no *holds my head* your just pulling to hard

He stopped and sucked his teeth

August: you ont be complainin when i pull on it while (GCO)

Me: okayyyy august

He chuckled and started again...... I closed my eyes tight and held my ankles August reminds me of when my mother use to do my hair...thinking of it now gives me the chills he stopped and was takin for ever

Me: what happened

August: huh....... Oh nun

By the sound of his voice I knew something happened this is gonna be a disaster

August's P.O.V

Na what had happen is da comb got stuck nd im tryin ta take it out with out ha knowin lani cane in and sat infront of kay afta five minutes i got it out but some hair came out too my eyes hot big and i hid the hair somewhere and continued combing

Kayla: lani how it look be honest dont lye

She looked and shook her head smiling

Kalani: it looks good so far so good i guess

She got up and got ready to walk out

Me: close da doe

She closed it and i combed the end of kays hair thinkin, and den i sighed

Me: kay rememba when we went to da movies nd lani friend sire came wif us

Kayla: *chuckle* his name is zire but yeah I remember

Me: i talked ta him right

Kayla: mmhmmm

Me: he told me lani isnt a virgin

Kayla: ...........WHAT!!!!

I stopped and started shakin her head

Kayla: what chu mean august

August: whatchu mean what i mean she aint a virgin no mo she musta trusted him enough

Kayla: no *shakes her head* no aug i dont like that shes 15 she should not be out there having sex

Me: welp we cant take it back

Kayla: aug what if she catch something or what if the condom could've broke umm we know that can happen .,...what if she ends up pregnant

She was already being dramatic so i wasnt gone tell her lani actually 14......i was mad findin out but as parents we should have already seen dis comin i just aint see it comin dis soon

Me: talking to her would be da best thing befo sum stupid happen ya heard

Kayla: yea

Me: i juss hope i aint gotta kill em cuz he do seem like a cool lil nigga

Kayla: *sighs*...........i feel like she wouldn't have told us ya know

Me: yeahhh

Kayla: well figure sumthin out

Me: i know...we always do

Kayla: are you done

Me: yeah

She stood up and grabbed my hand

Me: what happen

Kayla: imma take a shower, but I want chu to wash my hair too

Me: mmhmmm

I said smirking and walking in the bathroom behind her takin my shirt off.

Shay's P.O.V

Its been so many months and i cant stop crying i miss him so much.....i get so mad watching tmz seeing them all was around 3 o'clock in the morning and i drove to the store for some ice cream and to walk i was walking and i seen him, he was in a parking lot about to get in his car....


I went to the car and he looked and took a deep breath

August: wass up

Me: i miss you what happened

August: nun.... You

Me: just regular stuff ya know

August: dats cool to hea

Me:......i ........aug you just cut me off

August: yeah.....I figured i aint need nun from you

Me: so you only talk to me when you need something...

He looked down in his car and closed the door lightly

August: calm down

Me: nooo im not gonna calm down

August: what chu want mane

Me: for you to come back

He looked in my eyes and calmed down I got close to him and got on my tipy toes kissing his neck

Shay: i miss you holding me aug

August: how bad you miss me

Now This is the aug i know

Me:*puts his hands on my ass* alot ...,.i get lonely baby

August:cmon tell me how lonely

Me:* kissing his jaw* really lonely

August: ight .....ill meet chu at cha house

Me: *smile*

He smiled and i melted....his smile is so charming.... I kissed his cheek and left going to my car I always get what I want

Kalani's P.O.V

I was in the car waiting for my dad after he finally finished moms hair we went out to go get munchies and i fell asleep..then i woke up when i heard the door close i looked and dad was talking to that shay girl...i saw her all over him and frowned, i was about to cry until he came in the car

Dad: bitch woulda thought i was goin ova dea....*scoffs* got me all da way fucked up

Me: dad *eyes wide*

Dad: oh ...*pullsoff* sorry baby gurl i aint mean ta wake you up

Me: what happened

Dad: nun.......but juss listen ta me....when you grow up...*stops at a red light* neva go afta a man in a relationship.....cuz half of da time you wouldnt mean nun ta him.....he would justbe usin you....nd fa sho if he ont want chu say fuck it nd keep it movin....dont go afta someone dat dont want chu, cuz at da end of da day youll juss look stupid, desperate, nd a hoe.....perfect example.....da hoe dats waitin fa me at ha house......*lights turn green* she gone be waitin fa da rest of ha got damn *pulls off* cuz i aint goin

I smiled and sat back....i swear this is about the smartest thing ive ever heard my father say i was proud of him we the next red light i saw her car a few cars behind....i rolled the window down and stuck half my body out

Dad: lani what are you doing

I waited for her to look as i waved and thought of my mother and our car went two separate directions in the direction of our house

Me:*loud and laughing* GOTTTEMMMM *laughing hard*

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