Chapter 2: Giggles And Curls

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After the group returned from vacation, Mary was true to her word. She made an appointment with a doctor. She really wanted to ask her mother-in-law for the name of her baby doctor, but decided against it. This is because she'd have to share their happy news. Both she and Bobby agreed not to tell anyone, outside of their friends just yet. They want to have all of their ducks in a row first. 

Mary found her doctor by opening the phone book and looking in the Yellow Pages. She flipped to the section with OB-GYNs. Scanning for female doctors, she found a name that sounded interesting... Kristina Hernandez. She's also relatively close to Grand Bay, in Malibu. So, that's where they went.

Bobby liked her having a female doctor, because the idea of another man (regardless if he's a doctor) looking at his wife's "stuff" creeped him out. That "stuff" is for his eyes only. Mary also admitted she thought it was kind of weird too. Even her normal "female doctor" is a lady.

After their first appointment, with Dr. Hernandez, they left feeling more relaxed. She gave them tips and advice, which eased Bobby's troubled mind considerably. She also informed them Mary is eleven weeks along, which put her getting pregnant around the middle of May. This put them having a February baby. They made another appointment for three weeks. This is the appointment they're both looking forward to. They would possibly be able to find out the gender then. Although Dr. Hernandez said it all depends on the baby's position.

During the whole three week wait, Mary teared up thinking their baby could be born on Valentine's Day. A love baby! Not that their baby isn't a love baby, but a Valentine's baby would be SO sweet! Their anniversary was extra special this year, because they got a baby as a gift. While Mary thought about sweet and cute things, during the three week wait, her husband did not.

Bobby thought about financial things. He saw baby clothes and tons of baby things in his future. Not to mention doctor bills and hospital delivery costs. God forbid their baby be a girl. His wife would buy the whole baby section at Bloomingdale's. In his mind it's going to be like their wedding on steroids. He spent a lot of time riding his dirt bike, to clear his head. He also spent a lot of time talking with Johnny, when he came over to visit Lori.

Which brings them both to today's doctor appointment. Their appointment is at eleven o'clock. Both of them woke up with nerves. As Mary ran her fingers over her husband's athletic chest, she asked "Are you nervous about today's appointment"? 

She's nervous. What if the baby is turned wrong? Then they'd have to wait several more weeks. In light of that, she'd taken a page out of Bobby's playbook. Ever since it was revealed she's pregnant, he's talked to her tummy every night before he falls asleep. When she asked why he does that he said "It's our baby growing in their. They have ears like we do. So, I figure why not let it hear my voice speaking to it? I want our baby to know it's loved." She's been talking to the baby too, telling it "Please baby be good for Mommy. Turn yourself towards the camera. Don't be shy."

"Yeah I'm nervous," Bobby confessed. He's nervous to find out what their baby is. If it's a boy his stress would lessen. At least he would know what to do with a boy, since he is one. Despite having sisters, if it's a girl it would freak him out. He's always been awkward around girls, even Mary. Girls are precious, not that boys aren't, but girls are just different. And then there's all the things that come with girls like: clothes, makeup, boyfriend's, the list goes on and on. His head and chest hurts. Regardless, he knows he'll love their baby whatever their having. The fact is it's their baby. 

He bit his lip and played with his wife's hair. Exhaling a pent up breath, he stated his fears. "If we have a girl I won't know what to do with her. All the expense that comes with a girl freaks me out."

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