Chapter 21: Courage And Limits

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Sitting in the Land Cruiser, Mary kept thinking about the difficult conversation ahead. Her chest feels heavy, from dwelling on this and also from trying not to cry. Then like a flash of light, something moved within her spirit. It beckoned her to pay a visit to a particular person. Cranking the SUV up again, she backtracked all the way to the other side of the island. This time Mary pulled into a different driveway.

She knocked on the front door and waited for someone to open it. Relief was had when Ms. Rebecca was the one to do so. "Mary! How wonderful to see you! Come on in." She ushered her into a small sitting room, at the front of the house. She offered some refreshments. "What would you like to drink?" Mary responded with water, and Ms. Rebecca left to fetch it. 

Eyes wandering around the room, she discovered it's tastefully decorated. Neutral walls with pops of color in the table decor, this room is a happy room. It made her feel better just being in it. Ms. Rebecca returned with one water and an iced tea.

After sitting, Ms. Rebecca asked, "Now what can I do for you? I'm going to assume you're not here to shoot the breeze. Especially since it's almost six-thirty. Do you need my husband? Should I go get him?" 

Fiddling with the hem of her sweater, Mary remarked. "Oh no. There's no need to get Pastor Scott. I'm actually here to see you. And I do apologize if I've interrupted your family dinner." She felt her pastor's wife, Ms. Rebecca, could give her some much-needed advice. If anyone could offer encouragement and wisdom, it would be her.

Ms. Rebecca took in the sight of Mary. She seemed sad and dispirited, which is vastly different from how she usually is (upbeat and lively). Hope soared through her that nothing is wrong with her marriage. Both she and Pastor enjoy this sweet young couple. And her husband thinks Bobby has the makings of either a youth minister or a pastor.

"You haven't interrupted anything. The boys came home from college. Bill is outback shooting hoops with them. The girls are upstairs doing homework. Follow me into the sunroom. We can close the door there, where prying ears won't happen to listen. Plus the sofa is more comfortable than these hard chairs." Ms. Rebecca led Mary through the living room into a beautiful space just off the side of the kitchen. Once Mary was seated on the couch, the older lady shut the door and asked her to tell what's wrong.

Mary led the conversation with, "I'm not entirely sure what to say. But I'm here for advice." Then she launched into the story of her trouble. She told of the excitement surrounding the new baby and how they had been trying for months to get pregnant. She spoke of announcing the news to Bobby and the joy he felt with it. But upon beginning to talk about the revelations of today, she choked up. 

Noticing this, Ms. Rebecca braced herself for some sad news. A crier by nature, she could already feel the tears starting. Scooting closer to her young friend, she handed her a tissue. And sure enough, she cried when Mary shared the devastating heartache. Both women cried together.

Getting all of the tears out, Mary shared "I don't know how to tell Bobby. I don't feel very courageous at the moment. I've had to use it all up going from doctor to doctor." More tears slid down her face and the lump in her throat grew larger.

Sniffling, the pastor's wife grabbed more tissue. She handed half to Mary and kept the remaining for herself. Dabbing her eyes, Ms. Rebecca voiced several things. The first of which is "I think you're very courageous. It takes a great deal of strength to get up and go find another doctor, much less three more." Her sheer strength alone, and presence of mind, is nothing short of commendable.

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