Chapter 40: Feel The Sting

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In the weeks following the great Italian adventure, Mary and Johnny went dojo shopping. Since his sister-in-law knew Grand Bay and had a keen eye for detail, he wanted her with him. They started at the building, she had first recommended on Main Street. 

Main Street, on Grand Bay, is one of the loveliest streets. It would be hard to find a more attractive-looking street anywhere. Lining both sides of it are a ton of boutiques, Grand Pharmacy, Sugar Hi bakery, Shut Up and Dye hair salon, Prim and Polished Nails, flower shops, cafes, and there's even a GAP (where Mary also loves to buy her girl's clothes). Johnny could easily see a dojo here. The building Mary showed him is white-washed brick with oversized storefront windows. 

The realtor, from Grand Realty, let them inside. Mary looked around at the dusty room. It's large, but not grotesquely so. The back had several rooms. Johnny thought they could function as storage, a locker room, and an office or two. The building had an upstairs area as well. Both their eyes grew large at this. Thoughts started flying in both their heads. If walls were knocked down, then the space would be massive. 

Turning to Mary, he said "This space could be badass. If walls were torn down and the room was opened up, it could work as a training space. Along the sidewall, by the windows, mirrors could be installed. What do you think?"

Spinning around on her heels, Mary responded. "My honest opinion is, it's an awesome space. I agree this area could be great for training." She swiveled and pointed. "The wall of mirrors would look better on this long wall, along the back, facing out to the road. All of the mirrors could catch the light of the street lamps at night. It's a guaranteed way to attract the eyes of people passing by. It would make them stop and wonder what's happening inside. Plus with the longer wall, the eyes of your students wouldn't be distracted by what's going on out there."

 Mary thought the space is fabulous. He should totally snap it up before someone else does. "Johnny, it's also in a prime location. This street is always busy and it's growing. If you go down to the end, new construction is being built. The new GAP store opened last fall. Now The Limited and Borders books are coming in, with other stores following. It's exciting times for our island community"

Agreeing with her opinion, he rounded to the realtor. "How much for the building?"

The realtor opened a notebook and looked at her figures. "List price is eighty thousand."

Not a bad price at all for a building like this. Johnny was ready to buy on the spot, but Mary stepped in. "This building has been left vacant for years and in need of repairs. We'll take it off your hands for seventy-three." She refused to budge on the price.

Writing the number down, the realtor nodded. "I'll make a call to the owner when I return to the office. I'll let you know what I hear. I think seventy-three is a good asking price." They all shook hands and went on their ways. Mary rode with Johnny back to her house. 

He was confused. "Why did you say seventy-three? I was ready to buy it. What if they won't sell it now?"

Patting his arm, Mary explained. "I did that because you could get a better deal, than paying full price. The building does need repairs. They may not sell it for seventy-three, but you can negotiate. I would say seventy-five or seventy-six is fair. Go for those numbers, but don't pay full price." 

Understanding, he thought his sister-in-law a genius. "I was right in high school. You're definitely an intellectual badass." She smiled sweetly at him.

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