Chapter 33: I'll Take The Bad Times

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After the new year, and the beginning of a new decade welcomed in, Bobby contacted the renovation company. His dad recommended they use Arms and Hammers Construction. The secretary penciled them in for the next day. One of their lead contractors would be out to take a look at the project and work up an estimate. 

The next day, Mary gathered their idea notebook and put it in her big tote bag. Next, she gathered her daughters. The oldest was being a grumpy pumpkin this morning. "I no want to go school. I want home." When Mary asked her why Lydia responded with "Tause, I want my toys." Ever since Santa visited, all Lydia has wanted to do is play with her new toys. Nothing else, just play with them. 

Bursting her daughter's bubble, Mary picked her up and discarded her in her father's lap. After bringing the backpack to her, she handed her the lunchbox. Then she picked up her other daughter and held her, on the way to the car seat in the car. Bobby did the same with Lydia. 

Since the guy was coming in the morning, he took a half-day from work. They both dropped Lydia off at preschool, together. Their next stop was Broken Egg Cafe, for a delicious breakfast. Rarely during the week do they have time to eat breakfast together. This is a real treat. 

Bobby ordered hash browns, scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuit, and sausage. His wife got pumpkin pancakes with bacon. Over breakfast, they discussed the upcoming appointment. Looking over the plans, they made a few changes here and there. They want to have the quickest job with quality work. 

Once everything was finalized, and they were in agreement, the bill was paid and they left. At the new house, while they waited, Mary turned on the heating unit. Aunt Pitty had paid a worker to maintain the house and yard over the years, even though she never used it. She didn't want it falling into disrepair. A whole new heating and air conditioning system had been installed a few years prior. Both Mary and Bobby considered it a blessing in disguise. This would have been a ridiculous amount of money, to redo the whole house system. 

Shortly after nine, Mary heard a knock on the door. She went to answer it. What she saw was not what she was expecting. In her head, the guy coming out was older, like Mr. Raymond. In reality, the contractor is as young as she is, with brown locks, tanned, and tons of muscle. He's almost as handsome as Bobby, almost. 

The contractor introduced himself to her as, "Jay". He followed her inside, and Mary felt self-conscious. If she had eyes in the back of her head, she would have seen him checking her out. But since she didn't, she was oblivious to the way the contractor's eyes wandered over her person. 

She led him to the kitchen where Bobby was, with Grace. Moving to stand by her husband, she let Bobby do the talking. He handed Jay their plans, then took him on a tour of the house. In each room, he showed Jay different things they want to be done. Mary followed them around and spoke when her husband asked her woman-specific questions like "What color paint did you want again?", "Tell him about the tile you like", "You had a great idea for our bathroom. You should share it with him." Things like that she can answer, but nitty-gritty things she left for Bobby. He's doing a great job of explaining their ideas and his father's suggestions.

Once they got back to the kitchen, Jay told them "You're looking at a six-month process at least. We might be able to get it done in five. We'll have to see. Let me go out to my truck and I'll work you up an estimate." 

"That's fine Man," Bobby replied. As he began to lead Jay back to the front door, the toned contractor accidentally bumped into his wife. His arm grazed hers. 

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