Chapter 60: The Cool Kids

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As Mary and Bobby walked to the entrance, they scanned the people milling around outside, to see if they recognized anyone. They really did not. Some looked like they "could be" people they knew, but for safety's sake, neither tried to make conversation. As the duo entered the club, all of the decorations seemed to spawn old memories, but instead of reminiscing, they checked in. There would be plenty of time for remembrances later.

There were two women at the check-in table. One is short and stout with blonde hair, and the other is a little taller but also rotund with amber-colored locks. Again, they didn't recognize either of them. The ladies asked for their names. Bobby answered "Robert and Mary Brown."

The two women perked up at hearing those names. The one with red hair announced, "Oh! Mary! Don't you look the same as ever?" Mary noted she said the last part rather condescending.

The other girl asked, "How are you? Do you remember us?" No. She doesn't. In fact, she feels like she needs a big button that says Hi. I can't remember your name either.

Putting a smile on her face, she totally faked it. "Of course I do. I'm fine. Married to Bobby here. Ten years strong." She patted her husband's chest. "How are the two of you?"

"Well, Glenda here works in accounting. She's been working her way up the corporate ladder," answered the taller of the two.

Then the shorter of the two said, "And Missy here teaches at East Valley Elementary. Third grade in fact."

Oh my gosh! It's Missy and Glenda from Civinette Club. Time has not been kind, but Mary did not say that. Instead, she said something she knew wasn't entirely true. "That's so wonderful! I'm happy for both of you! We'll have to catch up later." She has no intention of catching up later. Why would she tell her life's secrets to two of the biggest gossips she ever knew? The two old classmates nodded and handed the couple their name badges.

Walking away Bobby whispered, "You are such a faker. You didn't remember them at all. But please don't leave my side. I don't recognize any of these people." He felt a gentle squeeze to his hand.

"Of course not. I don't plan on leaving your side, for anything, except maybe to potty," she winked at him. "Besides, so far you're the most handsome man in the room. I can't leave you unattended or women might fawn over you."

Stopping their walk, he pulled her close to him. "What do you mean so far? Are you hoping for someone more handsome to come along?"

Feeling mischievous, she looked up and answered "Well, now that you mention it. I was waiting for my brother-in-law. I mean he does have beautiful flowing blonde hair, blue eyes, and killer abs. I can see why that modeling company wanted to use him in some of their magazines, a few years back. Just saying."

His face gave him away. "Oh, ha-ha-ha. You're so funny," he mocked her. Then he touched his forehead to hers in a moment of tenderness. They both heard a throat clear. Kicking them out of their love bubble is one of Mary's favorite teachers, Ms. Careen.

She is one person that hasn't changed. In ten years, she still looks the same. A little grey on the sides, but other than that nothing major. Her kind face and bubbly personality precede her.

"Oh my goodness! Ms. Careen! It's so good to see you!" Mary beamed with delight. These are words of truth. Of all the teachers, Ms. Careen is one she hoped to see. Her old teacher pulled her in for a hug. She hugged Bobby too.

With an authentic voice and smile, Ms. Careen asked them to "Tell me all about your life. I want to know everything you've been up to. I read about your farm all the time in the different local home magazines. I think it's wonderful you've teamed up with Mr. Dutch. I always knew the two of you would be successful."

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