Chapter 56: Romance Is Real

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Romance is not something that comes easily for Bobby. Their romantic date, back in May, took every bit of romance inside him. After he had told Mary he wanted to wait to make love, he knew he had to do something special. 

While he was in his office, later that evening, looking at different marriage counseling books it came to him. He would write love notes and leave them around the house. So he got to work creating a special set of notes. When the twins cried, in the wee hours of the morning, that's when the fun began. After bottle feeding them, and putting his babies back to sleep, he hid them all around the house.

That was then. This is now. Now, it's the Wednesday before their ten-year anniversary. He's sitting in his office at the church. His message is ready to go for the evening, but currently, he's drawing a blank in his mind. What can he do that's romantic and will beat that date in May? All Mary talks about is that date.

"It was the most romantic thing you've done for me in years. And Bobby, for the record you're a very romantic guy. You always do the sweetest things. BUT that date... That date was beyond my wildest expectations."

Wildest expectations... He's so screwed.  There's only one thing to do. Humbling himself and putting his pride aside, he picked up the phone and dialed a particular number. He spoke into the receiver, "Hey I'm wondering if you could help me with something?" Listening he muttered "OK sure. I can be there in ten." With a tentative smile and exhalation of pent-up breath, he hung the phone up. 

Grabbing his car keys, he walked out of the office. After telling the secretary he was leaving for about an hour, he headed out the door. As he drove, hopes of not regretting this filled his spirit. Reaching his destination, he parked and got out. A nice comfortable five-bedroom house, on his side of the island, stood before him. 

Dutch greeted him at the door. "Need help from Dr. Love do you? Don't worry. Dr. Love's got you covered." 

Shaking his head, smirking, Bobby stated "I guess. Just don't make me regret asking you."

With a scoff, Dutch reminded him of the facts. "Have I ever led you wrong?" He saw Bobby raise his eyebrows. That came out wrong. "Let me rephrase that. I mean, has Dr. Love ever led you wrong?"

Pointing a finger at his friend, Bobby reminded him "There was one time you made me go on a date with that red-haired girl. She turned out to be a total weirdo who collects frogs, live frogs. A frog lady."

"Bobby, don't you know? You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your princess," he told him. Then dismissed his friend with a motion of the hand. 

Of course Dutch would say that. He followed him into the back part of the house, where the den is. Their den is a cozy room, with a large chesterfield leather sectional as the focal point. As much as Bobby likes the sofa, it would be impractical at his own house. The children would scuff it with their toys alone. For Dutch and Ashely it suits them.

Speaking of Ashley, Bobby wondered "Where's your wife, Man?"

"Out with the boys. They're visiting your wife, who's leaving the twins with your mother. Apparently, they're going shopping for kid clothes and their own clothes. Or something like that. All I know is both of them are out spending money and I'm home alone. Thank God! Jed's driving me nuts. You never realize how weird you are until you have a kid who acts like you. It's scary," he explained. 

Scary is an understatement. His mother says karma is paying him back. She says, "Well played karma."

Laughing at his friend, Bobby took a seat. "I understand what you mean. My well-behaved second-born child gives me the confidence that I'm a good dad. But my wild child firstborn has taught me to not judge other parents... sometimes." Lydia will drive him nuts during her teenage years. He sees this now in advance for preparation.

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