Chapter 3: Halloween Horror

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During the final week of October, many noticeable changes took place around the Brown household. First off, one of the extra bedrooms has been turned into a nursery. One afternoon Mary talked with her sister. She asked her if she would paint a floral mural onto one of the walls. Lori burst at the seams with happiness. How could she say no to painting her niece's mural? 

So, on the wall (where the crib sits) Lori painted a precious pink floral mural. The flowers are similar to Mary's wedding colors, all blush tones (dark and light). The other walls were painted a soft grey. Everything in the room is frilly and pink. Super girly and super cute. 

On the wood floor is a soft, fluffy, multicolored rug. The white wood crib sits centered on the mural wall. Pretty soft pink curtains hang over the windows. A beautiful oversized rattan chandelier is fixed on the ceiling for lighting. On one of the other walls three signs hang. They say: Be Silly, Be Brave, Be Kind. Each print is framed and has flowers on it. A rocking chair, with a floral cushion, sits in a corner. It's by the white wood changing table, with a matching floral pattern changing pad. Sweet stuffed animals are placed throughout the room. And above the crib is a wooden sign with white script letters. It has their baby girl's name spelled out... Lydia. 

Mary knew, the moment Dr. Hernandez told them they were having a girl, she wanted to name her Lydia. She's always liked that name. When she shared the name with Bobby, he gave his approval. So little Lydia Faith Brown will be welcomed, with lots of love in February.

Other changes to the home, came in the form of baby proofing. Outlets are covered and low cabinet doors are baby locked. Aunt Pitty had a fence installed around the pool area. She doesn't want to take any chances, where that's concerned. Door knob covers were purchased and placed on doors. They put away small objects and started putting the laundry detergent up higher on the top shelf. They hired one of Mr. Raymond's workers, to come out and baby proof the windows. Finally they placed corner guards on all the sharp furniture.

However the most noticeable change happened with Mary, herself. Now well into the second trimester, her baby bump is showing. One day earlier in the month, Dutch and Ashley came over for a couple's date. When Dutch entered the house, he saw Mary... or rather he saw her bump. Dutch, being Dutch, has no filter on his mouth. He said to her "Whoa! You're really popping out there." 

Mary, who was already feeling self-conscious, burst into tears right on the spot. In defense of her friend, Ashley smacked her boyfriend on the arm. "What? What did I do?" he asked. Ash wondered if he's really that clueless. Sadly he is.

"Dutch you just told her the equivalent of you're fat. You never tell a pregnant woman she's popped out. That's just... just... wrong," she told him. 

Bobby stood there wondering what to do. If he went to console his wife, he'd have to hear her "I'm so fat" story again. Which she isn't, she's just pregnant. He tells her this every time, and then she says "You're only saying that to be kind". She doesn't believe his words. It's a losing situation. So, he silently begged Ashley to go in his place.  

Dutch justified his actions. "Well how was I to know? I'm not a pregnant woman." He saw Bobby shake his head, and his girlfriend put her hands on her hips. "Alright. I get it. I'm an idiot. I'll just go apologize." Off to the bedroom he went.

Turning to his friend's longtime girlfriend, Bobby said "This is bad." What is Dutch thinking going in there? He's going to get eviscerated.

Ash smiled at Bobby. "I know. I wish we had popcorn for this," she responded. She loves Dutch, but he needs to think before he speaks. This will be a lesson in that.  So she and Bobby waited.

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