Chapter 74: Sickness And Pity

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The Saturday before the mom's brunch saw each member of the Brown family carry out Mary's directions. She woke up bright and early herself, to get things started. The house HAS to be cleaned from top to bottom. No crevice left undusted. 

After feeding and placing Rhodes in the playpen, she started in the living room. Looking at the curtains, a realization dawned. They've not been updated in years. Adding new curtains to the day's agenda, she took in the throw pillows on the sofa. Yep. Those will be refreshed too. 

Deciding to go from room to room, figuring out what needs to be overhauled, she snatched up a pen and notepad. Then the fun began. To update or not to update? That is the question. Since no one would go upstairs, that section of the house would be left untouched (for now). However, she knew some nosy first-grade mother might "accidentally" peek into their master bedroom. So, new bed linens, coverlets, and curtains would be needed there too. 

By the time she made her way into the kitchen, the list was almost three pages long. Dear Lord, Bobby will have a coronary when he sees it. How can she break this gently to him? What will be the right way to tell her thrifty husband she needs to spend money? 

Currently, he and the rest of the household are still asleep. So, there are two options on the table here. First, she could give him a sexy wake-up and greet him with a very"good morning". Two, she could go to Sugar Hi and buy him a big mug of his favorite coffee blend and a bunch of those breakfast cakes he loves. But, if she really wanted to get him on her side she could do both. Oh yes. Robert Brown, this is going to be the best morning of your life. 

Taking Rhodes with her, she ever so quietly exited the house. Getting into the SUV, the two of them drove into town. Since it would be a short visit, she parked on the street. Her cute one-month-old baby was the talk of the shop. Dressed in his blue and white striped onesie, the ladies cooed over him. Rhodes soaked it all in. He loves being the center of attention. The only other one of her children who was like that at his age is Lydia. And she still loves attention too.

After Mary purchased the coffee and breakfast cakes, she bought an order of the orange cream scones, bear claws, and chocolate chunk cookies. No sense in Bobby being the only one with a yummy breakfast. After thanking the ladies, she was on her way. 

In the vehicle, she had an important conversation with her son. "Now Rhodes, you have to be a good boy when we get home. Mommy needs to woo Daddy or else he'll die when he knows how much money I need to spend. Can you be good and play nice? No fussy crying." He gurgled in response. "That's what I thought. I knew you'd understand." He sucked on his fingers.

Turning into the driveway, she parked and unloaded all of the food items. Then she came back for Rhodes and carried him to his room. It's truly amazing that the household still hasn't awakened from slumber. But it's only now just seven o'clock. 

Once the breakfast food was secured in the kitchen, and the coffee was put in the coffee warmer, she set about the task of charming her husband. Tiptoeing into their bedroom, she noticed he was on his stomach snoring. Perfect! With soft feet, she headed straight for their walk-in closet. There she pulled this ravishing red number out of a drawer. She's been saving it for such a time as this.

As soon as she took her hair down from the messy bun, she fluffed it out. When it reached its maximum fluff potential, stealthily she returned into the bedroom. Thankful he's still turned over, she climbed onto the bed and situated herself on his legs. Firm fingers began kneading his muscles. Bobby groaned awake. 

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