Chapter 17: Not Boring Boring

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The following weekend Lori and Johnny's wedding took place. It went off without any hiccups. Even Johnny's stepdad controlled himself and didn't say any snide remarks. Before the ceremony, Johnny began to freak out.  Bobby reminded his friend of his own words. "Let me share with you your own words of wisdom. This is something you told me before my wedding. Be calm Man," he stated. Then patted his shoulder.

To which Johnny responded "Was I high or drunk? Because that makes NO sense!"

When the ceremony started, everything came into focus. Lori looked stunning in her bohemian-style wedding dress. With spaghetti straps, geometric lace around the bust area, and a flowing ethereal chiffon skirt, it's perfect for a beach wedding! 

Also perfect for a beach wedding are the navy blue, halter style, bridesmaids' dresses. They are also made of chiffon but banded around the waist for a blouson effect. The girls carried gold spray-painted embroidery hoops on their arms, with white roses and greenery attached. All girls, Lori included, wore their hair down with beach waves. It's a truly informal, romantic, beach wedding.

Their wedding will be memorable for two reasons. First, when Lydia (who was sitting with her Grammy) saw her mother and father walk down the aisle together, she began to wail "Mama hi. Mama hi. Mama hi." She wouldn't stop until Mary broke bridesmaid protocol, and took her crying daughter. She made her home in her mother's arms for the rest of the ceremony, until Bobby took her upon exiting.

Second, Johnny and Lori planned a sweet moment of prayer. Before the vows were exchanged, the minister, asked them to kneel. Well, laughter erupted as eyes were drawn to the bottom of Johnny's shoes. Written in bold white letters were the words "Help Me". Lori learned what the laughter is about from Mary whispering it to her. She then softly voiced it to her fiancé. He glared at his Best Men as he took his shoes off, to inspect the damage. Each of his Best Men shrugged shoulders like "Who, me?" Come to find out, Bobby did this. Johnny never would have guessed him. This is something Dutch would do. Score two Bobby Brown, Johnny zero. 

After the ceremony, the reception was held at Main House, in one of the dining rooms. Traditional flair was served, with four courses. Then the speeches began. Bobby was chosen to speak on behalf of the Best Men. 

"I was asked to speak about the bride and groom. They asked me not to talk about any of Johnny's mishaps, mistakes, or embarrassing moments. Instead, they ask that I do talk about the positive things in his life." He looked at Johnny. "Man, you've made this very difficult for me, but I'll do my best."

He took out a teeny tiny piece of paper, very minuscule-sized. "On this paper are all of Johnny's positive qualities." Everyone laughed. Bobby threw the paper on the floor. "I'm kidding. I've known Johnny for a long time. He's like a brother and now he really is my brother by family. He's funny, kind, incredibly clever, and always comes up with the best ideas. In fact he... wait... I can't say that. Darn!" More laughter broke out and Lydia cried for her "Dada".

"Apparently my daughter would like to say something about Johnny too." He bent down and picked her up. She babbled in baby talk. "Lori, you look lovely today. So, cheers to both of you for a long happy marriage. But mainly to you Lori, because geesh... She's really got her hands full now. Cheers!" 

Shouts of "True" rang out from the Cobras. Johnny glared, as everyone raised their glasses in a toast. Next up was Mary, chosen to speak for her sister. "Hi, folks! I'm Mary, sister of the bride. I have SO many things I could say, but I won't. I told myself I wouldn't cry, but as everyone knows that's nearly impossible." Bobby handed her a tissue. "Thanks, Babe. See, even my husband knows I'll cry." She turned to look at her sister. "So Lori, do you remember when we were little and Aunt Pitty and Aunt Kitty gave us their old party dresses?" Lori nodded. 

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