Chapter 5: Shower Me With Gifts

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The morning of the BIG December shower, Mary and Bobby had a discussion. "Bobby, I just got a very interesting phone call from  Ashley. Would you like to know what she said?"

Bobby gave her a confused look. Why would he want to know what Ashley said? Unless, it's something about Dutch. "Is Dutch OK? Is he in jail?" He hopes his friend isn't in jail. 

Mary came closer to her husband. "No Dear. He's not in jail, but you might be." She moved to stand in front of him. 

He knew something is wrong, because she said "Dear". She only says "Dear" when she's being sarcastic. "Why would I be jail? Whatever Ashley said I did, I'm sure I didn't do. I remembered to put the toilet seat down, the last time I was at over at their apartment." He tried to search his memories.

"Oh Robert you're too cute. But my question for you is, why does our baby need a new stereo on her registry?" It's clear to her he now remembers, judging by his shifty eyes. This is the last time she trusts him with a scanner gun. The... Last... Time!

Crap! Stupid girlfriends. Do they have to tell Mary everything? "She needs a stereo for her room. It's a known fact, babies sleep better with soothing music." She can't refute that. It's in the dumb baby book she made him read.

"Umm hmm. I see. And I suppose she also needs boxes of Twinkies and a new Atari too?" She dared him to refute that with some "known fact". She gave him her narrowed eyes look.

Swallowing thickly, he refused to look into her eyes. Dang! "The Twinkies are for you Sweetie. You know you crave sugary things. And the new Atari is for Lydia to learn how to play, when she's four." There! That sounds normal.

"Right and she also needs a TV for her room?" Bobby got up from the sofa and went to stand behind his wife. He placed his hands on her shoulders and massaged them. Then he began kissing her neck. "Robert don't think your kisses and massages will get you out of this." His hand rubbed over her bump, and started to wander higher. "Robert..."

Bobby knew he shouldn't use "fun sexy times" to get out of trouble, but when the shoe fits... "Are you sure you want to discuss this right now?" he asked with a quiet sultry voice.

Moving his hand and turning around, Mary looked him straight in the eyes. "Robert that was very sneaky of you. Using intimacy for nefarious purposes demeans it. Now what else did  you add to the baby's list? You tell me right now." 

He huffed and ran a hand through his hair. "Alright fine. She needs new pillows, a new VCR, a bunch of board games like RISK, a Teddy Ruxpin, a new blender..." 

He kept talking and talking. Mary could not believe her ears. What the heck? She could not believe this! "You... You... bad, bad husband!" She started pacing. "This is the last time I give you the scanner gun for any kind of registry. Robert just like the wedding, people are going to think we're silly and have lost our minds."

"Oh Mary Margaret have fun." He scoffed and sat down.

Who does he think he is? She sat in his lap. "Robert Raymond stop mocking me. Having your Granny give me the side eye is not fun. Would you like it if Aunt Kitty did that to you?" She saw the wheels in head start turning. She looked into his eyes. "Besides, I have fun. I could have fun right now with you, but you're pouting." She started to get up. His hands went to hold her still. She saw his eyes darken with desire. 

He started to rub his hands up and down her leg, and her back. "I want you," he whispered in her ear. He took her face in his hands and brought her lips to his. The things he wants to do to her. As he went to deepen their kiss, he felt a sharp kick to his hand holding the bump. Mary jumped up and waddled fast to the bathroom. 

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