Chapter 67: Time

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When you're in the hospital, one second feels like forever. All you have is time, a lot of it. With all of the time spent laying in the bed, the mind wanders in all sorts of directions. Mary's mind went something like this. First to the twins, because they're little and won't understand why she's in here. Then to Grace, because she's sensitive and will be feeling upset because she's in here. To the twins again, because they have a field trip to the aquarium coming up. To Lydia, because she's confused and probably feeling shame and guilt. To the twins again, because there's no telling what they've gotten up to since she's been in here. To Bobby, because he's had to shoulder all of this. Back to the twins, because she's certain they've made mischief and a mess in the house. Then to Bobby again, because he needs a break before he has a nervous breakdown. 

Before her mind could drift back to the twins, she looked up and noticed all of the pictures Bobby hung on the wall. Rebecca loves drawing hearts, flowers, and fat blobs that are supposed to be unicorns. When Mary asked her about the unicorns, she told her "Uni-corns are real Mommy. They just got lost on Noah's ark boat." 

Oh, Rebecca. Draw your unicorns, Baby. As for Rhett's pictures, she cringed but at least he tried. His fine motor skills are not as strong as his sister's. His drawing comes out looking disturbed. When he tries to trace his ABCs, the writing gets outside the lines. Poor Rhett. However, where he lacks in drawing and writing, he makes up for in knowledge and gross motor skills.

Ms. Katie tells her Bobby was similar. "His fine motor skills didn't kick in until kindergarten. He also had wonderful athletic ability, like Rhett. Like father, like son."

While she lay thinking about the twins, Bobby was true to his word. He brought her twinnies to visit her in the hospital. No sooner had the door opened, than her babies ran inside. With rather excited voices, they shouted "Mommy! Mommy!"  

She smiled in their direction and held her arms open. Bobby placed both of them on the bed and told them to "Be careful". Rhett lay on her left side and Rebecca on her right. Two arms for two babies. 

Pointing to her IV, Rhett wanted to know "Mommy, why this in your arm?" He's such a curious child and always asking questions. Like that one time over breakfast, he asked "Daddy, why was Mommy praying loudly?" His father had no idea what he was talking about. "I heard Mommy pray last night. Her said Oh God. Oh, God. Oh, God." Bobby's eyes had grown huge and his eyebrows raised to the ceiling, while Mary turned hot and blushed as red as Santa's suit. 

Then there was the time at Christmas when Granny Helen said something nasty to Samantha and Mary. Rhett looked at his Granny and questioned her. "How is the Grinch?" His Gigi had no idea what he meant. "Mommy says only mean people are friends with the Grinch. You mean, so you friends with him. How is he? Tell him Rhett says hi." Granny Helen looked like she had been sprayed by a skunk. It was all Mary could do not to laugh.

She explained to her baby what the IV is for. When she finished she kissed his head. "When you come home?" he asked. "I miss you. Becca misses you too."

Before she could answer, Rebecca spoke. "Yes, Mommy I miss you. I miss you this much." She stretched out her arms as wide as they could go. "You not sing me to sleep. Grammy does, but it not the same." She cried then and so did Rhett. "You been... sleeping here... I sad." Her words were jumbled cause her crying got in the way.

Mary ran her hands over their heads and cuddled them close to her. First, she rested her head on Rebecca's head, then Rhett's. She kissed them both. "Sing to us Mommy," Rebecca begged. Rhett voiced his agreement. "Yes, sing Mommy. Please." When she asked what she should sing, they said "Rainbow". So she sang Somewhere Over The Rainbow to them. 

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