Chapter 35: Chihuahuas

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Self-defense day was upon her. She was sitting in Grace's room holding her while she fed. Bobby walked in dressed in a sleeveless black karate gi. Eyeing him up and down, she has to admit he looks hot. "Wow! I'm impressed it still fits," she told him. 

His piercing blue eyes anchored on her face and gave a sarcastic look. "You're hilarious. Once you're done feeding Grace, you need to change. What are you planning on wearing?" 

What is she wearing? That's the million-dollar question. "I thought maybe a pair of jeans and a T-shirt." Those would work, right? Apparently not, if her husband's expression is any indicator.

Shaking his head and mumbling a string of words to himself, he stated "No. You cannot wear that. Mary this is going to be like a workout. You don't wear jeans to exercise in." 

She adjusted Grace since she's done. "Fine. Then a sports bra with a tank over it and a pair of workout leggings. Is that OK?" she questioned. How is she supposed to know what to wear? He hasn't specifically said. 

He gave her a thumbs up, as she put Grace on her shoulder to burp. She let out a big one. "Alright then. Why don't you come over here to take her, while I go change? And wake up Lydia too." He came closer stroked his wife's hair. She passed Grace to him and he immediately butterfly kissed his daughter. When Mary got up he kissed her too, although not a butterfly one. 

In the master bedroom, she grabbed a pair of athletic leggings, sports bra, and tank. After she put them on and finished dressing, the tennis shoes came next along with her hair up in a messy bun. Last she put on jewelry and perfume. Exiting and walking into the kitchen, she took a yogurt out of the fridge for breakfast. 

Gazing at his wife, Bobby told her "Before we leave take off the jewelry." If this is how his own wife dresses for self-defense, then he can only imagine what the other girls look like. If he felt brave enough to do it, he'd give her a huge facepalm... if he were brave. But he's hoping for a fun night, so he's not that brave.

With the yogurt opened, she asked "Why do I have to take it off? You know I wear my charm bracelet every day. Can I at least keep my earrings on?" She spooned a bite into her mouth.

"Yes, you can keep your earrings on. But no, you cannot wear a necklace and bracelet to do self-defense.  It'll get in the way. Don't dispute it, just trust me." He played with Grace on the sofa. She sat on his abs and kept trying to get his nose, but he'd push her away. "Everyone will be here soon. We need to get a move on." 

He pushed Grace's hand away from his nose. However, she was tired of being pushed away. So scrunched her face up and started to cry. He took her tiny hand and brought it to his mouth and blew a raspberry on it. She giggled. Her little hand touched his mouth, as she liked that. He did it again and she giggled. The new game continued in a similar fashion.

Mary woofed down her yogurt and went to take her jewelry off. In the process, she helped Lydia with her shoes, as she'd brought them to her and complained "Mommy, can't do." Once the shoes were on her feet, she asked her Mama "What you do today? Why no bracey?" She touched her mom's bare wrist.

"Bracelet," Mary corrected. "Daddy's teaching me self-defense. He says I can't wear jewelry because it will get in the way." She pulled Lydia's hair into pigtails. 

Staring at her mother, she said "Sef dense? What that?"

Correcting her daughter again, she pronounced "Self-defense." Then she continued. "It's where you learn to defend yourself against mean people, or people who want to hurt you." She finished both of the pigtails and turned her little girl's pants around. They were crooked, but at least she's trying to dress herself. That's a big deal. 

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