Chapter 1: Unexpected

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Upon waking, Mary's stomach roiled. Sweet goodness, what is wrong with her? This plague started on Monday morning, as soon as she woke up. The irony is she's on vacation with her friends, all of them. Aunt Kitty and Aunt Pitty have two beach houses in Hawaii. One is on Oahu, near Waikiki Beach and the other is in Kauai at Hanalei Bay. Since none of them, except Mary and Lori, have been to Hawaii they all decided to go away for two weeks. 

The group settled on the beach house in Oahu. Dutch remarked "So, the two of you have been holding out on us. We see how it is. I've got my eye on you." He gave them the two finger eye look. 

Monday morning, as soon as she got up, she threw the covers off and ran into the bathroom. She crouched on the floor barfing. After she washed her face and brushed her teeth, she went back to lay down. Looking at her husband, she wondered how he could sleep through her episode? And that made her irritable, because he should be taking care of her. So, she huffed and rolled over onto her side. 

When Bobby finally did wake up, it was only to see Mary with a damp washcloth over her eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked with concern. 

"No, I'm fine. I'm just laying here with a washcloth over my face. Cause you know, I do it all the time," she said with sarcasm. She took the washcloth off and tried to sit up, but her stomach wouldn't let her. 

Every morning was like this, throwing up, laying back down, and Bobby hovering with concern. It's now Thursday, and she's still not any better. The one positive is at least these episodes are over by the afternoon. 

As she lay there, stomach roiling, she's tempted to wake Bobby. At least she'll have someone to talk to. But then the thought of hovering concern, like a mother hen, led her not to. She doesn't even know why the thought is bothering her, especially since his concern never has in the past. But lately little things have been setting her off.

 A great example is the other day, when he started making coffee and he didn't offer her any. She really wanted coffee and he didn't offer. So she told him so. "Why didn't you offer me any of the coffee?"

He gave her a look like she's lost her mind. "Sweetheart you don't drink coffee. You drink peppermint tea. I've never seen you drink coffee. Not even once, for as long as I've known you. But if I knew you wanted some, I would've offered," he told her.

Feeling upset, she said "Well you don't know if you don't ask." She turned and stormed out of the room, leaving Bobby seriously confused.

Waking, Bobby opened one eye. His wife is still in bed. He's not sure who he's going to find today, a sweet angel or the Bride of Frankenstein. He took her hand and spoke. "Good morning Honey." He saw her smile. "How do you feel this morning?"

"Like crap," she stated bluntly. This is how she always feels in the morning. 

That's not good, she's not feeling well again. It's four days in a row now. Maybe she should go see a doctor. "I think you should go see a doctor. I'm concerned because you've felt this way since Monday." He grabbed the washcloth, went into the bathroom, and rewet it.

Returning he handed it to her. "Bobby, I think it's just food poisoning. It has to pass eventually." She place the cool rag on her forehead. "What's the plan for today?" she asked. 

Bobby told her what the guys had decided last night. "I'm pretty certain we're going snorkeling and zip lining through the rainforest." The minute the words zip lining left his mouth, she felt the bile start to rise. She shot up and rushed into the bathroom. Bobby followed and held her hair. 

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