Chapter 69: This Again

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At the end of the year, the group decided to ring in the new decade in style. One thing Mary and Lori did not know, after the dividing up of property in their aunt's will, is they also owned a luxury property in the Caribbean. 

During Christmas, both families had gathered at the Main House to celebrate with Aunt Kitty and Aunt Pitty. Over dessert, Mary and Lori started talking about how the whole group wanted to get away to celebrate the dawn of a new decade. Well, Aunt Kitty told them, "You should go to the estate in St. Barts."

Heads turned and Mary exclaimed, "Excuse me?" Her dessert fork fell to her plate. She was super shocked. "I thought we had divided up all of the property? I don't remember seeing this in the will." It isn't. It isn't listed. While waiting for an explanation, from her aunts, a thought hit her like lightning. And if they forgot to list this property, what else have they forgotten? She and Lori are going to have to sit the two of them down and make a detailed list.

Aunt Pitty casually remarked "Well I guess we forgot one. Old age, you know." 

Huffing out a breath of air, Mary disagreed. Old age indeed! Please! 

This is how the whole group found themselves headed to the Caribbean, the day after Christmas. They had no idea what they would find when they got there. However, considering the size of the other estates, Mary and Lori are hopeful it would be equal to those. Little did they know... it's a sprawling property on the beach, complete with a heated infinity pool and a large wine cellar. Their aunts also owned a yacht. It ports there too, but they found this out later.

Before the flight left, Mary found herself attached to the toilet. When she woke up she felt fine, but on the drive to the airport, she started feeling nauseous. The pizza she ate last night did not agree with her. These have to be residual effects. After she finished barfing her brains out, she visited the travel shop and bought water and a pair of Sea-Bands. She put one on her wrist, thinking it will help. She didn't want to put the other one since they aren't the prettiest things in the world. One is better than none, right? The soothing acupuncture pressure began helping her roiling stomach.

Her body aches all over. She feels like she's been hit by a big truck. Which may actually be fine, because then at least she'd be hugging the pavement. Not only that, but she's also feeling incredibly run down and tired. It's crazy because she went to bed early last night, but fine whatever. She would think it's the flu, but this dizziness won't leave her alone either. It's awful! Never has she had constant dizziness like this before. If she told Bobby he'd freak out, and then they'd be staying home. Maybe she has vertigo? Ugly or not, the other Sea-Band was taken out and placed on her other wrist.

As soon as his wife joined him, Bobby took in her appearance. She looks tired, pale, and not herself. Although she's trying to smile, he can tell she's miserable. "Sweetie, are you OK? You've had me worried," Bobby told her. He's troubled. She went to bed early because the pizza bothered her. Then woke up still feeling terrible. He remembers what happened a few months back when she had a bad case of food poisoning. It wasn't pretty. He hopes the same thing hasn't happened again. She has such a sensitive stomach.

As her husband massaged her neck, she started to relax. Between his magic fingers and the Sea Bands, the nausea is lessening. "I feel better with your massage and these Sea Bands I bought. I just hope this feeling of calm will last throughout the flight. There's nothing worse than being ill on a plane." She felt a kiss placed on the area that's being massaged.

Using her husband's words on him, she stated "Be careful. If you kiss my neck, I'm not responsible for what happens next." She gave him a cheeky wink.

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