Chapter 31: Home Sweet What?

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During the final month of the year, three important things happened. First Lydia told her mother "Sparkie dolly peas". This meant she wanted the PJ Sparkles doll for Christmas. Of all the dolls to want, this one is the hardest to find. If only she could want... say... The Ghostbuster's set. But no, it has to be PJ Sparkles who has lights in her earrings, hair bow, bracelets, and her even her heart. 

She saw it on Saturday morning cartoons and has asked for it ever since. Mary lamented the fact Lydia didn't tell her before (when she went shopping the day after Thanksgiving). She purchased all the girl's Christmas gifts then. After talking with the two AuntGrannys (who hadn't gotten it), Bobby's parents (who didn't get it either), and Johnny and Lori (who also haven't purchased it), she spoke with her husband.

Ironically he said, "If you can find it then go ahead and buy it. But if it's sold out of all the stores, in our area, then that's it. She'll have to wait until her birthday. We're not going to drive all over the state looking for a doll." The irony is he already mourned the fact of spending way too much on the girls this Christmas.

So, bright and early one morning, Mary traipsed around the metro area searching for PJ Sparkles. With Grace strapped in her wrapper, the pair went to at least a dozen of each of the main stores (or it at least felt like it): KB Toys, Toys 'R Us, Child World, FAO Schwartz, Kiddie City, Sears, Phar-More, and K-Mart. All sold out, her last hope is Macy's toy section. The odds of finding it there are slim. She loaded Grace back up in the Cruiser and went to the Shoppes at Palisade. 

Before she parked, she told her baby girl "OK Baby, this is the last stop. Say a prayer they have it for sissy." Grace burbled and smiled. She's a happy baby, more than content to be wrapped in the baby wrapper (close to her mother). Mary parked, wrapped Grace, and made a beeline for Macy's. 

"Look Sweet Girl, all the pretty Christmas decorations. All the sparkles and garlands. Aren't they pretty?" Mary talked to Grace like she could understand. As if she could, Grace held her head up and looked around, before resting again on her mother's chest.

Mother and daughter swiftly walked to the toy section. She kept her fingers crossed the whole way. Many mothers were out shopping. In the doll aisle, she saw that there is plenty of Barbie's and Jazzie's (Barbie's cool cousin). There's also a lot of My Beautiful Doll and My Pretty Ballerina. Searching both sides of the aisle, and looking in the most obscure place (on the bottom shelf)... there she is... PJ Sparkles. Just as Mary awkwardly leaned down to grab it, another mother without a baby, swooped in and took PJ away. Oh, good grief!

Without another one left on the shelf, her stomach twisted in knots. It was right there in her reach and that woman stole it. Wanting to cry, she threw her hands up in the air. The mean woman didn't even care, that a baby was strapped to her chest. No! She was all grabby, grabby. In the words of Stephanie Tanner, on Full House, "How rude!"

Letting out a huge, disturbing sigh Mary stared at the open space and tried to think of what to do next. A salesgirl, who saw the whole thing, came near to her. "Excuse me Miss. I think I can help you," she said.

 Mary turned her head and stated, "I don't know how you can. This is the last store I've searched. And I've been on the PJ Sparkles hunt since early this morning. That doll was my last hope." She hung her head.

The salesgirl let her know, "I wouldn't give up just yet. Follow me." Through the store the girl lead the sad mother, up to the third level, in the new home goods section. Over near a bunch of decorated boxes, made to look like presents, is a cute display of toys. And one of the toys is a PJ Sparkle. The salesgirl took PJ and handed the doll box to Mary. "See, I told you not to give up. I saw what that woman did. It wasn't very Christmassy of her. It was plain rude. My boss, in the toy section, told us about the one up here. He said only give it to someone if there's a true need. I would say there's a true need. Plus, we're getting another shipment in later in the week."

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