Chapter 11: The Lone Snake

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Being back in school is no fun. Senior year at Stanford is going to kick Bobby's butt. He has to complete a two-semester practicum, in counseling to obtain his degree. For the first semester, he decided to do an internship in community counseling. In the second semester, he will complete an internship in marriage and family therapy.

Over the summer, when he talked with Mary about where to do these internships, she suggested their church. He hadn't thought about that. It never even crossed his mind. Out of all the options, this would be best. He wouldn't have to travel very far, and he'd basically be nearby if his wife needed him. It made perfect sense. He only hoped Pastor Scott would agree to it.

One Tuesday, in early August, Bobby made an appointment to speak with the pastor. Stepping into Pastor's office is humbling. He felt the same way he did when Mary drug him to pre-marriage counseling. It almost feels like a Bible will fly off the shelf and thump him in the head. His secretary, a sweet little old lady named Eva, directed him to sit and wait. She offered him water, which he kindly declined.

On the walls were pictures of Bible charts. Charts showing geographical locations, from different biblical places. There are also charts on the Old and New Testament books. But there is one piece of artwork, a rustic-looking wall hanging, that always grabs his attention. Every time he comes into this office, his eyes are drawn to it and the painted words. 

It says "When peace like a river attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul." He knows this comes from an old hymn. When going to church with his own family, it was often sung on Sundays. He's always liked that song, but never truly understood it. How can you have sorrow and pain, and everything be well with your soul? It doesn't make sense.

As he sat there pondering this, Pastor Scott entered. He greeted his church member. "Hello, Bobby. How are you, Mary, and little Lydia doing today?"

Bobby enjoyed talking with Pastor Scott. He's in his forties, but he's a "cool" guy to speak with. He's knowledgeable about many things and enjoys sports. He has a way of making you feel welcomed, and not uncomfortable. Also when not preaching, he wore jeans... normal clothes.

Responding, with an amused smile, he told Pastor, "They're good Sir. Lydia keeps growing every day. She's learned how to pull up recently. Now we have to keep odd objects off the coffee table, and other low places. One day she pulled up on the coffee table and grabbed Mary's car keys. She didn't want to give them back." He remembers the look on his wife's face when she found Lydia with her keys. It was hilarious.

They traded idle chitchat, about the Pastor's wife and children, until Pastor asked "Bobby I'm sure you didn't come here to shoot the breeze. So, what brings you by today? How can I help you?"

Bobby told him about his counseling degree work. He explained how this last year of college is basically one big giant internship. He detailed the different courses of practical experience he signed up for, both semesters. Then he shared his wife's idea, which led him here today. 

"So, you see Sir, I would like to serve both my internships here at the church. Would it be possible?" Bobby hoped it would. 

He saw Pastor Scott smile and shuffle some papers on his desk. "Well Bobby, you've come to the right place. I can definitely accommodate you both semesters. I have some thoughts about your first semester. First, tell me, are there any stipulations on the community counseling? What I mean is, does it say you must counsel such and such type of people?"

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