Chapter 25: Faith Over Fear

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When May arrived, the reality of the heart problem dominated Mary's thoughts. Like a woman with acid-washed jeans, a fanny pack, and a big perm this problem would not get out of her mind. She'd been doing so well until one day when she watched the Phil Donahue show. 

On the particular episode in question, it was all about heart health. Of course, heart problems and complications were a part of this. Blood clots, rhythm problems, hypertension, and infections weren't the worst complications named. No, no. The worst ones were heart failure and sudden cardiac death. For the first time, since finding out her little girl has this problem, Mary felt fear. 

Walking to their bathroom mirror, she read the Bible verses Ms. Rebecca had told her to keep. She tried to relax and get past this fear, really she did, but not even the verses seemed to help. Little did she know, Bobby had been feeling the same thing. Having chosen not to worry his wife, he had been keeping it all inside. But it was eating away at him, like a rat trying to gnaw its way through a wall.

He found ways to keep busy: through his clients at work, golfing with Tommy and Jimmy, pool with Johnny and Dutch, helping Mary set up the new nursery, and his wife's fingers running through his hair. But it was proving difficult as the months ticked down to the due date.

One rainy afternoon, Pastor Scott called him into his office. He said, "I'd like to talk with you, Bobby." While Bobby got ready to meet with the Pastor, Mary got ready for her dance classes. Since today is Wednesday, the itty bitty four and five-year-olds are her first class. Being largely pregnant, made dance a little more difficult. However, being the consummate pro she never complained.

After driving to the studio, Mary parked and went inside to set up. She greeted some mothers and students on her way into her dance room. After setting up the boom box, and choosing the music for today's class, she began browsing through the recital catalogs. The summer recital is almost here, and she needed to choose tap outfits for each of her classes.  

When her itty bitty's entered the room, they all rushed to give her hugs. This is one of her favorite parts of the day. These little girls are just precious. She started them with their first song Please, Please Don't Eat the Daisies by Doris Day. Loving Doris Day herself, Mary thought this song would be cute for a summer recital. She worked on the tap formations with them.

 After this song, they tapped it out to Gloria Estefan's Conga. She infused a little Latin flair into the dance. Totally unconventional songs to tap to, but Mary loves unconventional. Towards the end of class, she had them practice the grand tapping finale. She is going to combine all the tap classes for a big number at the end, to Beach Boys Surfin' USA. 

When class ended all of the girls changed out of their taps, and into their regular shoes. One little girl, Kristie, came over and placed her hand on the shoulder. She was sitting in her chair, switching out tapes for the next class. "Hi, Kristie. What do you need my sweet friend?" Mary asked.

Looking shy, Kristie said, "Well I wanted to tell you something, Ms. Mary." She shuffled her feet around.

Guessing she was going to tell her she wouldn't be at the next class, Mary urged her on with a kind voice. "Go on. I'm listening." Nothing could have prepared her for what this sweet child had to say.

"Ms. Mary, I pray for you every night. I pray for all my teachers, but you the mostest. I pray for you and your new baby. And the Lord told me to tell you something," she explained in her five-year-old way. Kristie picked at her shirt.

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